- (273-4) H.3-4 Butcher, Antiquity revived
- (275) H.8 William Whitaker (?), Ecclesiastical Polity
- (276) H.9a Peter Barwick, Life of John Barwick
- (277) H.9b Peter Barwick, Life of John Barwick
- (278) H.10 John Barwick, Correspondence concerning the Restoration
- (279) H.12 Acts and Statutes of St David's Cathedral, 1224-1489
- (280) H.14 John Bois and Thomas Smith, 'Notae in S. Clementis Epistolas'
- (281) H.15 Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, etc
- (282) H.17 'Proclamations, and proceedings in parliament', 1603-10
- (283) H.18 Sir John Cheke, Two Homilies of St John Chrysostom
- (284) H.19 John Christopherson, 'Jephthah'
- (285) H.20 'Tabula Angliae'
- (286-8) H.21-23 Adrian Beverland, MS notes in a copy of the 1696 Fabri thesaurus
- (290) H.26 Catalogue of the books of Thomas Baker
- (291) H.28 Edmund Porter, 'The Mysterie of the Sabbath Discovered'
- (292) H.29 William Beveridge, Dissertation on the institution of monasteries
- (293) H.31 Charles Yate, Notes on eminent members of College
- H.33 Ecclesiastical documents
- (301) H.40 A Horoscope
- (303) H.42 Thomas Baker, History of St John's College
- H.43 Thomas Mangey, Notitia Ecclesiastica Primitivae Ecclesiae
- (304, Wagstaff 3485) I.3 Justification for the war between Frederick II of Denmark and Erik XIV of Sweden
- (305) I.4 Literary and theological commonplace
- (306-7, Wagstaff 3477) I.5-6 Lord Herbert of Cherbury, 'De Veritate'
- (308) I.7 Sir Philip Sidney, 'The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia'
- (309, Wagstaff 3481) I.8 Two comedies
- (310, Wagstaff 3486) I.9 Treatise against bishops
- (311, Wagstaff 3495) I.14a Creations of English nobility
- (312) I.14b Treatise against disloyalty
- (313, Wagstaff 3478) I.16 'Tract. de Reformationis Novitate'
- (314, Wagstaff 3463) I.17 Old Testament Commentaries
- (315) I.18 Miscellany
- (316) I.20 Reginald Pole, Refutation of the views of Thomas Cranmer
- (317, Wagstaff 3467) I.21 Walter Bayley, 'Parergon Explicationis'
- (318) I.23 'Apologia Turrecrematae'
- (319, Wagstaff 3488) I.24 Notes on St Matthew's and St Mark's Gospels
- (320) I.25 John Mundey, 'Sabbatum Redivivum'
- (321) I.26 A Tract supporting the Bishop of Chalcedon's letter
- (322) I.27 History of the Life and Death of Mary Queen of Scots
- (323) I.29 Thomas Lee (or Lea), 'The Discovery and recoverie of Ireland'
- (324, Wagstaff 3492) I.30 Proceedings against Mary Queen of Scots
- (325, Wagstaff 3494) I.31 The State of Europe
- (326, Wagstaff 3489) I.32 John Cowell, 'Interpreter or Vocabularie'
- (327, Wagstaff 3496) I.33 Sir William Cornwallis the younger, Encomium of Richard III
- (328, Wagstaff 3475) I.34 John Comenius, 'In Januam rerum', etc.
- (329) I.36 Tractatus de habitibus vitiosis
- (330) I.37 Treatises on experimental and observational science
- (331) I.40 Elizabeth Elstob (transcr.), Anglo-Saxon Homily on St Cuthbert
- (332) I.41 Richard Duffield, 'The Preacher's Assistant'
- (333) I.42 De la Croix, 'Les Eglises orientales'
- (335) I.44 Russian roll
- (567) I.45 Transcripts of historical letters
- (568) I.46 Notes relating to Richard Bentley
- (582) I.47 Life of Pope Sixtus V in Italian
- (336) K.16 Edward Forsett (?), 'Eloquentiae studiosis'
- (337) K.17 John Milner, Latin translation of the Targum on Chronicles I and II
- (338) K.18 St John's College Library, 'Liber Memorialis'
- (339) K.27 Correspondence between Walter Moyle and John Reynolds
- (340) K.28 Christopher Nenning, Chronograms
- (341) K.32 Proceedings in the Court of Claims for the Coronation of Charles II
- (342) K.33 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Greek New Testament of 1723
- (343) K.34 Hannah More, Letter to the Bishop of Bath and Wells
- (344) K.35 Artificial collection of papers
- (345) K.36 James Wood, Papers on subjects in divinity, church government and education
- (346) K.37 William Cole, History of St John's College
- (347) K.38 Commonplace book
- (348) K.39 George Ashby's collections relating to St John's College
- (349) K.40 Commonplace
- (350) K.41 William Craven, Sermons on Gibbon
- (351) K.42 William Craven, Plan for reading history
- (352-3) K.43-44 William Craven, Notes and drafts of sermons
- (355) K.46 Collection of Astrological calculations
- (356) K.47 'La Coignee de Lutter'
- (529) K.51 Compositions for organ
- (533) K.52 Service book
- (536) K.53 Henry Tubbe, 'Meditations in three centuries'
- (547) K.54 Deeds of foundation relating to John Dowman
- (532) K.55 Henry Martyn, three letters
- (542) K.56 Collection of historical papers and poems c. 1574-1641
- (537) K.57 Rottenburg family
- (543) K.58 George Ashby, 'Critical remarks on various authors'
- (557) K.59 W.H.B. Proby, 'A revision of the Anglican Psalter pointed for chanting'
- (578) K.60 Extracts relating to King Ferdinand
- K.61 Papers relating to the trial of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford
- (359) L.2 William Davison, 'Elementa Physicae Practicae', etc.
- (360) L.3 Roger Ascham, 'Expositiones'.
- (361) L.4 French books in the Library of John Williams
- (362) L.5 Marriage of Charles I and Henrietta Maria
- (363) L.6 John Fisher, Month's Mind Sermon for Margaret, Countess of Richmond
- (364) L.7 Thomas Sackville, The Complaint of Henry Duke of Buckingham
- (365) L.8 Konrad Glesinski, Polish-Slavonic primer
- (366) L.11 'Leicester's Commonwealth'
- (367) L.12 Order of Coronation of King Charles I
- (368) L.13 William Sancroft, Forms of prayer
- (369) L.14 William Sancroft, Form of the Coronation of James II
- (370) L.15 William Sancroft, Form of the Coronation of James II
- (371) L.16 William Sancroft, Forms of consecration
- (372) L.18 Sir George Carew (d. 1612), 'Concerning the state and government of France'
- (373) L.19 Leone da Modena, 'Vita, Riti, e Costumi de gl' Hebrei'
- (374) L.22 Life of John Fisher
- (375) L.24 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on St Matthew's Gospel
- (376-7) L.25-6 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles
- (378) L.27 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Epistles of St Paul
- (379) L.28 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on Juvenal and Horace
- (380) L.29 Jeremiah Markland, Quaestiones Venusinae
- (381) L.30 Jeremiah Markland, Letters
- (382) L.31 Jeremiah Markland, Notes on Cicero's De Oratore
- (383) L.32 George Ashby, Collections on the History of St John's College
- (383*) L.32* Charles Yate, Notes relating to St John's College
- (395) O.3 Filippo Musotti, Letter-book re the Council of Trent
- (396) O.4 Guillaume Postel, 'Le Prime Nove del altro Mondo'
- (397) O.5 Pierre Cuppé, 'Le Ciel Ouvert'
- (398) O.6 Ahmet Benandala, On the Christian religion
- (399) O.53 John Henley, Two historical and lexicographical manuscripts
- (400-1) O.54-5 Zachary Grey, Collections for a Life of Thomas Baker
- (402) O.56 Robert Masters, Miscellaneous papers
- (526) O.58 'The subscriptions of the officers, masters, and fellows of the University of Cambridge'
- (527) O.59 Thomas Ashe, Collections for an edition of Richard Crashaw's poetry
- (528) O.60 William Selwin, Commonplace Book
- (544) O.61 De diversis regulis iuris antiqui
- (545) O.62 Thomas Balguy, 'A system of morality'
- (560) O.63 William Drummond, Mathematical commonplace
- (534) O.64 Commonplace book, with additions by William James
- (535) O.65 Matthew Robinson, 'Strena Poetica'
- (551) O.66 Collection of Graces in the University of Cambridge
- (562) O.67 Anthony Dopping, Journal as Bishop of Meath
- O.71 Thomas Holdway, Commonplace Book
- O.72 Narcissus Luttrell, Memorandum Book, 'for Setled & Fix't matters in Cornwall &c.'
- O.73 George Whittington, Commonplace book
- (563) O.74 John Evans, 'An essay or enquiry into the state of nonconformity in England and Wales'
- (564) O.75 'A general view of the congregations of Protestant dissenters in England and Wales'
- (565) O.76 William Black, Biographical collections re the Metropolitan ministers
- (566) O.77 A narrative of the early life of John Farrent
- O.78 Correspondence of George Shaw
- (579) O.81 Edward Stillingfleet, Sermons
- (607) O.82 Roger Kenyon (?), Theological commonplace
- O.83 William Whitaker, Latin translation of Apollinaris's Greek version of the Psalms etc.
- (608) O.84 William Samuel Powell, Lectures in experimental philosophy
- O.85 Henry Wrigley, 'A course of mechanical lectures'
- O.86 Commonplace book of J.W. Hawksley
- O.87 George Henry Sawtell, 'A perambulation of the Universitie and towne of Cambridge'
- O.88 John Brown, Address to Empress Catherine II
- O.89 'The Unhappy Civill Warrs'
- O.90 Speeches of John Barrett, lists and academic exercises
- O.91 G.C. Moore Smith, Commonplace book
- (403) S.2 William Springett and William Soames (?), 'Tabula Angliae'
- (404, Wagstaff 3499?) S.7 Thoughts on the Lord's Day and the Sabbath
- (405, Wagstaff 3509) S.8 Legal commonplace
- (406) S.9 Sermon for Good Friday
- (407) S.10 Thomas Segethus, Dedicatory letter to James I
- (408) S.11 Controversies in the Church of England
- (409) S.15 Matthew Prior, letters to the sixth earl of Dorset
- (410) S.16 Robert Jenkin, 'De Potestate Ecclesiastica'
- (411) S.17 John Allsop, commonplace book
- (412) S.18 University and legal commonplace
- (413) S.20 A Non-Conformist's commonplace
- (414) S.21 William Lloyd, Papers concerning the Non-jurors
- (415) S.22 Gifford Galton?, Artificial commonplace collection
- (416) S.23 Collection of poetry
- (417) S.24 Commentary on the Physica of Aristotle
- (418) S.26 Artificial collection of separate tracts, proclamations and pamphlets
- (419) S.27 Michael Dalton, Legal compendium, and other works
- (420) S.28 'J. A.' or William Birde(?), 'Readings of Gilbert, Spilman, Bromeley and other learned lawyers'
- (421) S.29 Artificial collection, mainly legal manuscripts
- (422) S.31 Verses and letters on University matters
- (423) S.32 Collection of poetry
- (424) S.33 Catalogue of Scriptural expositions
- (425) S.34 Alexander Bolde, Commonplace
- (426) S.36 'Castrum Animae'
- (427) S.37 A Miscellaneous Collection
- (428) S.38 Translations of Classical authors
- (429) S.39 Samuel Newton?, Legal formulary
- (430) S.40 Extent and rental of the manor of Monewden cum Solyards, 15 Henry VIII
- (431) S.41 Thomas Westfield (?), Notes on sermons
- (432) S.42 Book of Private Devotions
- (433) S.43 'The Art of shorte writeinge'
- (434) S.44 Commonplace
- (435) S.45 Henry Smith, Literary and antiquarian commonplace
- (436) S.46 Commonplace
- (437) S.48 Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 'Liber Actorum'
- (437*) S.49 Extracts from the Black Book of Ely
- (438) S.50 John Varney, A call to religious unity
- (439) S.51 Commentary on Galen or similar medical work
- (440) S.55 Thomas Barlow, 'Autoschediasmata'
- (441) S.56 Thomas Scott, Vox Populi
- (442) S.57 Ecclesiastical tracts
- (443) S.58 Political collections
- (444) S.59 William Johnson, 'Valetudinarium'
- (445) S.60 Jean Daillé, 'Concerning the right use of the Fathers'
- (446) S.61 Notes on St Matthew's Gospel
- (447) S.62 'Club Law'
- (448) S.63 Michael Dalton, Office of a Justice of the Peace
- (449) S.64 Collection of loose papers re Cyprian's De unitate ecclesiae
- (450) S.65 William Craven, Sermons preached in Cambridgeshire
- (451) S.66 John Kaye and James Wood, Sermons and other papers
- (452) S.67 William Craven and John Palmer, Sermons
- (453) S.68 John Palmer, Transcript of missing fragment of IV Ezra
- (454-61) S.69 John Palmer, Notes on Scriptural subjects
- (462) S.70 John Palmer, Notes on the Psalms, and on his Eastern travels
- (463) S.71 John Palmer, Notes on Isaiah and Jeremiah
- (464) S.72 Advice for John Palmer when travelling in the Near East
- (465) S.73 John Palmer, Journal of travel in Germany
- (466) S.74 John Palmer, Journals of travel in the Levant
- (467) S.75 John Palmer, Journals of travel in Italy, France and Switzerland
- (468) S.76 John Palmer, Journals of travel in Spain, Portugal and Holland
- (469) S.77 William Brown, Notes on the Lexicon of Hesychius
- (294) U.1 Catalogue of books
- U.2 Shelf list of St John's College Library
- U.3 Shelf list of St John's College Library, with later acquisitions
- U.4 List of Crashawe/Southampton donation of printed books
- (297) U.5 Catalogue of books given by John Williams and Robert Metcalfe
- U.5* Catalogue of books given by John Newcome
- (354) U.6 Catalogue of manuscripts in St John's College Library
- (302) U.7 Catalogue of manuscripts in St John's College Library
- U.8 Annotated copy of Cowie's A descriptive catalogue
- (593) U.9 J.S. Wood's annotated copy of Cowie's A descriptive catalogue
- U.9* Annotated copy of Cowie's A descriptive catalogue
- (592) U.10 J.S. Wood's notes on books in St John's College Library
- (295) U.11 Henry Morgan, Two translations of the Iliad
- (296) U.12 Edward Capell, Hermes, or, A Guide to the Elements [of phonetic spelling]
- (298-300) U.13-15 John Mall, New Testament Lexicon
- U.16 'The Caters Booke' for the household of Lady Jane Berkeley
- (596) U.20 John Brownbill, History of Black Notley, Essex
- U.21 G.H. Whitaker, Glossary to Holland's translation of Livy
- U.22 Henry Russell, Diary of events connected with St John's College
- (548) U.26 John Cruso (?), Commonplace collection of verse and prose
- U.27 T.S. Whalley, Letters
- U.29 Rotograph of MS of Titus Livius de Foro-Juliensis's De republica
- U.30 John Lee's diaries and sketchbooks of travels in Ireland and Scandinavia
- U.32 William Cooper, Papers re University petitions
- U.33 W.R. Stephen, Illustrated diary of a walking tour in North Wales
- U.34 A.S. Tetley, copies of Greek and Latin prose and verse compositions
- U.35 Christabel Maxwell, 'Dr Scott: the friend of Nelson'
- U.36 N.B. Jopson, 'History of the Uncommon Language Department'
- U.37 Harold Kirby, 'Two months in Berlin'
- U.39 Catalogue of law books bequeathed by Sir Soulden Lawrence
- U.40-42 Feast Books of St John's College, 1873-1920 and 1936-81
- U.43 Album of menus from St John's and other Cambridge colleges, clubs and societies, 1884-1900
- U.44-51 Rotuli Parliamentorum
- U.52-56 E. Hampden-Cook, Translations from the Old and New Testaments
- U.57-63 Copies of documents relating to Cambridge and Cambridgeshire
- U.64-65 Catalogue of books bequeathed by Thomas Baker
- U.66 Catalogue of books from the library of Charles Taylor
- U.67-70 Annotated copies of the 1674 Bodleian Library catalogue
- U.71-74 Annotated copy of the 1738 Bodleian Library catalogue
- W.2 Various papers relating to members of St John's
- (357) W.3 (part) 'The Butterfly'
- (358) W.3 (part) Thomas Balguy, Lectures on Moral Philosophy
- (519b?) W.3 (part) Louis Chauvet, Act of Naturalisation
- (530) W.3 (part) James Bland, Poems
- (552) W.3 (part) William Weston, Controversial sermons
- (572) W.3 (part) Tithes in London
- (574) W.3 (part) T.G. Bonney, Sermon preached in St John's College
- (575) W.3 (part) Samuel Butler, 'The Holy Land'
- (586) W.3 (part) Edward Samuel Dewick, Miscellaneous notes on liturgical subjects
- (587) W.3 (part) Peter Mason, Miscellaneous scholarly papers
- (609) W.3 (part) John Williams, Copy of his censure by the Privy Council
- W.3 (part) Catalogue of the papers of Dr Edwin Abbott
- W.3 (part) John Aislabie, Two signatures on legal documents
- W.3 (part) Kingsley Amis, 'Waking Beauty'
- W.3 (part) Michael Baldwin, Poems and worksheet
- W.3 (part) Martin Bateson, Poems
- W.3 (part) Patricia Beer, 'Witch'
- W.3 (part) June Benians, Poems
- W.3 (part) Miles Bland, Poems
- W.3 (part) T.G. Bonney, Miscellaneous papers
- W.3 (part) J. S. Boys Smith, Recollections of College life
- W.3 (part) J. S. Boys Smith, Recollections of College life
- W.3 (part) R.P. Burnett, Memoirs of life in India
- W.3 (part) Correspondence re the library of John Carr
- W.3 (part) Sir Hugh Casson, 'The Future of the Past'
- W.3 (part) Sir Robert Forsyth Scott, Invitation to the Coronation of George V
- W.3 (part) E. Langstadt, Bibliography of G. G. Coulton
- W.3 (part) Richard Cowper, Certificate of non-payment
- W.3 (part) Kenneth Craik, Poems and other papers
- W.3 (part) Donald Davie, Poems and worksheets
- W.3 (part) Somerset Davies, Application for dispensation from a University Statute
- W.3 (part) Lewis Dibdin, Undergraduate expenses
- W.3 (part) J. E., 'Dear Nic'
- W.3 (part) John Webb Edge, Letters and bills relating to studies in Cambridge
- W.3 (part) D. J. Enright, Worksheets
- W.3 (part) Clifford Evans, After-dinner speech
- W.3 (part) Charles Foxley, 'Ode to Futility'
- W.3 (part) Roy Fuller, Three poems
- W.3 (part) E. P. Gatty, College bills
- W.3 (part) Sir William Gee, Will
- W.3 (part) T. R. Glover, Verses on College catering
- W.3 (part) Claude Guillebaud, After-dinner speech
- W.3 (part) John Fearby Haslam, College bills
- W.3 (part) Sir Maurice Hayward, Autobiography
- W.3 (part) John Herschel, Solution of the Chinese theorem
- W.3 (part) Henry Hughes, List of Library books
- W.3 (part) Sir Joseph Hutchinson, Autobiographical lecture
- W.3 (part) Charles Hutton, Genealogical notes
- W.3 (part) Gilbert Jackson, Notes from lectures by Charles Fay on Political Economy
- W.3 (part) Harold Jeffreys, After-lunch speech
- W.3 (part) Charles Jenkinson and T. Farraine, Legal question
- W.3 (part) Correspondence relating to a plaque commemorating Welsh Johnians
- W.3 (part) Benjamin Hall Kennedy, Poem to the Fellowship
- W.3 (part) Jean Korelitz, 'Bubbles'
- W.3 (part) Philip Larkin, 'A Study of Reading Habits'
- W.3 (part) Komair Latifi, Undergraduate account book
- W.3 (part) Laurence Lerner, Two poems
- W.3 (part) William J. Locke, 'The Incomparable Paragot'
- W.3 (part) George MacBeth, 'The Castle'
- W.3 (part) Notes on the Rothenstein portrait of Alfred Marshall
- W.3 (part) Christopher Middleton, Poems
- W.3 (part) Paul Muldoon, 'Why Brownlee Left'
- W.3 (part) John Newcome, Verses addressed to Matthew Prior
- W.3 (part) William Owen, Untitled verses
- W.3 (part) Edward Henry Palmer, Correspondence about copying his portrait
- W.3 (part) Probate of the will of Edward Henry Palmer
- W.3 (part) William Pearce, Notebook of College affairs
- W.3 (part) Richard Pendlebury, 'Mountaineering in 1872'
- W.3 (part) Isaac Pennington, Index to a collection of theses
- W.3 (part) Isaac Pennington, Power of Attorney
- W.3 (part) William Philpot, Cambridge bills and an IOU
- W.3 (part) Peter Porter, Worksheets
- W.3 (part) Arthur Pressland, Article on Lady Margaret Beaufort's birthplace
- W.3 (part) William Previté-Orton, 'The Athanasian Creed: its damnatory clauses'
- W.3 (part) Receipt for a benefaction from Francis Robins
- W.3 (part) Jasper Rootham, 'John Kennedy'
- W.3 (part) Hugh Francis Russell-Smith, Humorous verses
- W.3 (part) Robert Forsyth Scott, Address to the boys of Oakham School
- W.3 (part) Robert Forsyth Scott, Address on the history of St John's College
- W.3 (part) Power of attorney granted by St John's College to Robert Forsyth Scott
- W.3 (part) George Selwyn, Sermon at the reopening of St John's College Chapel
- W.3 (part) E. E. Sikes, 'The Birds of Aristophanes'
- W.3 (part) Ralph Tatham, Notebook
- W.3 (part) Charles Taylor, College bills and correspondence
- W.3 (part) Rosemary Tonks, 'Farewell to Kurdistan'
- W.3 (part) Rosemary Tonks, 'Story of a Hotel Room'
- W.3 (part) John Horne Tooke, Signature on a subscription receipt
- W.3 (part) Thomas Wentworth, Speech before the House of Lords
- W.3 (part) Thomas Whitaker, 'Remarks on the Itinerary of Richard of Cirencester'
- W.3 (part) Henry Kirke White, Translation of a poem by Bion
- W.3 (part) John Williams, Response to a petition from Sir Roger Townshend and others
- W.3 (part) J. M. Wilson, Memoirs of Cambridge
- W.3 (part) Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, Documents signed as Lord Treasurer
- W.3 (part) George Udny Yule, Analysis of Cambridge Tripos results
- W.3 (part) George Udny Yule, Patents
- W.3 (part) George Udny Yule and Herbert Hedges, Christmas Carol
- W.4 Various papers relating to St John's College
- W.9 G.W. Pattison, Thesis
- W.10 C. W. Previté-Orton, Poems
- W.11 E.A. Reade, 'The Benefice of North Stoke, cum Ipsden, cum Newnham Murren, Co. Oxford'
- W.12 C. W. Previté-Orton, Poems
- (610) W.14 E. H. Palmer, Notebooks
- (611-2) W.15 E. H. Palmer, Scrap-book
- W.16* Jean Leverrier, Calculations re the discovery of Neptune
- W.17 Memoir of William Sterndale Bennett
- W.18 Henry James Warner, Notes on the Septuagint
- W.19 Thomas Hearding, A Defence of the marriages of priests
- W.20 A. Male, Commonplace Book
- W.21 Nicholas Sanderson, Lectures on the method of fluxions
- (571) W.22 William Barnes, Notebooks
- W.23 Erasmus Darwin, Notes on lectures by William Heberden
- (610) W.24 Henry Watson Fowler, Correspondence and letters
- W.25 William Whytehead, Commonplace Book
- W.26 A. D. Briscoe, ‘A Stuart Benefactress: Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, 1631-92’
- W.27 Alfred Bender, Life of General Garibaldi
- W.28 John Rogers, Journal
- W.29-30 John Rogers, Writings on freedom of conscience and other matters
- W.31-32 Edward C. Brooks, Life of William Whitaker
- W.33 F. P. B. N. Hutton, Journal
- W.34 S. M. Benians, Biography of Ada Benson
- W.35 William Francis Swords, Letters patent
- W.36 T.A. Walmisley, Cambridge Collection of Chants
- W.37 S. N. Thornton, Thesis
- W.38 J.B. Slight, Notebook of mathematical lectures
- W.39 Henry Beverley, Notebooks
- W.41 Farhad Khalafi, Thesis
- W.43 Hugh Gatty, 'The Hospital of St John the Evangelist'
- W.44 Hugh Gatty, Papers
- W.45 H. M. Harrison, ‘Life of J. C. Adams’
- W.46 Ebenezer Cunningham, Autobiography
- W.47 Francis Willoughby Scott, ‘Life of John Hymers’
- W.48 Monica Helen Green, Thesis
- W.49 John Buck, Ceremonial Accounts
- W.50-54 Adam Wall, ‘Collectanea’
- W.55 Jack Goody, 'Beyond the Walls'
- W.56 George Scurfield, 'The Bitter Mangoes'
- W.57-66 Thomas Catton, Astronomical Observations
- W.67 Hilary Macklin, Undergraduate diary
- W.68-69 Karl Hermann Bruder, Concordantiae omnium vocum novi testamenti Graeci
- W.70 E.A. Abbott, Theological notes
- W.71 E. A. Abbott, Scriptural Index to the Babylonian Talmud
- W.72 E.A. Abbott, Annotated copy of Scrivener’s Greek New Testament
- W.73 E.A. Abbott, Old Testament index to Origen
- W.74 E.A. Abbott, St John’s Gospel index to Origen
- W.75 E. A. Abbott, annotated copy of Tatiani Evangeliorum Harmoniae Arabice
- W.76 William Heberden, ‘Of Poisons’
- W.77 J.D. Peake, Notes for the lectures of Adam Sedgwick
- W.78 Thomas W. Keeble, London PhD thesis
- W.80 Hulse Coat of Arms
- W.81 David Pegg, Greek and Latin prose and verse compositions
- W.82 Ralph Ince, Prisoner of war in Siam
- W.83 Henry Fraser Howard, Latin Verse notebook
- W.84 Henry Fraser Howard, Greek Iambics notebook
- W.85 Henry Fraser Howard, Prose Composition Book
- W.86 E.E. Sikes, Verse Composition Book
- W.87 Arthur Woollgar Verrall, ‘Notes of Lectures on Martial’
- W.88 William Taylor Wild, Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Newark
- W.89 SJC Plate Catalogue
- W.90 Zachary Nugent Brooke, Lecture notebooks
- W.91 Gladys Paley, History of England
- W.92 Ghil’ad Zuckermann, Thesis
- W.93 John F. Bennett, ‘Berlin 1945-71: Die Stadt Am Scheideweg’
- W.94 G.G. Thomason, Thesis
- W.95 Ivan Timothy Houghton, Dissertation
- W.96 Ivan Timothy Houghton, Thesis
- W.97 Ivan Timothy Houghton, Thesis
- W.98 Ayesha Mukherjee, Thesis
- W.99 Frank Thistlewaite, Diary of a Visit to China
- W.100 Frank Thistlewaite, Travel Logs
- W.101 Frank Thistlewaite, Occasional diary
- W.102 Frank Thistlewaite, Occasional diary
- W.103 Frank Thistlewaite, Occasional diary
- W.104 Harry Lee, Library Catalogue
- W.105 George Bernanos, Notebook
- W.106 K. G. Budden, Physics Notebook
- W.107 E.C. Clark, Classical Notebook
- W.108 St John’s College Chapel, Preces and Responses
- W.111 SJC Library Visitors’ Book
- W.112 G.M. Garrett, Presentation Book
- W.113 Latin verse compositions by members of St John's, 1837-1859
- W.114 The Psalms in English by E. Hampden-Cook
- W.115 F. A. Paley's copy of Aristophanis comoediae (1830)
- W.116 R. J. Fraser, 'Travel journal Malaya to UK'
- W.117 Moses Griffith medical certificate
- W.118 John Burnaby, Letter book
- W.119-120 William Hills, Diaries
- W.121 Martin Stewart, 'The House of Lords'
- W.122 Thomas Poole, Student Journal
- W.123 Alex Shinn, 'Religious, Liturgical and Musical Change in Two Humanist Foundations'
- W.124 Alfred Domett. Commonplace
- W.125 Louis Cha. Book of condolence
- W.126 W.C. Shawcross. 'Go in peace!'
- W.127 James M. Wordie. Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition: Weddell Sea Log 1914-1916
- W.128 J.P. Morley. 'Mining in East Greenland'
- W.129 William Wesley Ellison. Notes on 'Law of Tort' lectures by Glanville Williams
- W.130 Mika Hyman. 'Shifting Boundaries: A Study of William Heberden's (1710–1801) Materia Medica Cabinet in St John's College, Cambridge'
- W.131 James Brydges Willyams. 'A Tour through France, Switzerland, Part of Savoy and Piedmont, by 2 Pedestrians'
Other locations
- (487) A.2.18(2) Myles Blomefylde, List of the Wards and Parish Churches of London
- (486) A.6.51 John Bailey, Notes on the Bible
- Aa.1.30 Notes on the life of Brook Taylor
- (488-90) Aa.1.31-33 Karl Weierstrass, Lectures on the theory of maxima and minima
- (505) Aa.1.58(1) Edmund Dudley, 'The Tree of Commonwealth'
- Aa.2.10(8) Ambrose Rigge, 'The Serpent's subtilly discovered'
- Aa.2.55 (part) 'Additions to the Levant Company's Charter'
- (491) Aa.3 (part) Zachary Grey, Commonplace book
- (492) Aa.3 (part) Collections relating to the Non-jurors
- (493) Aa.3 (part) Documents relating to the University of Cambridge
- (494-5) Aa.3 (part) George Harbin, Copy of Thomas Browne's Answer to a pamphlet by Bishop Stillingfleet
- (496) Aa.3 (part) John Thomas Ambrose, Epitome of Beausobré on the New Testament
- (503) Aa.3 (part) Henry Docker, Commonplace book
- (504) Aa.3 (part) Joseph Simons, Zeno and other tragedies
- (584) Aa.3 (part) Thomas Budd Shaw, Writings
- Aa.3.27 'Sehr Nutzliche Betrachtungen und Lehren'
- (577) Aa.3.35 John Whitehouse, Notes of lectures on logic
- Aa.3.45 'Explanations' upon Bentley's Dedication of Horace
- (497-502) Aa.3.61 Robert Sanderson, Diaries
- Bb.7.6 Plans of Second Court
- (523) Bb.7.8 Sedbergh School charter
- (289) Bb.7.14 Rayasum Paupia, English-Gentue dialogues
- (614) Bb.7.26 Hemsterhuis, Dictata ad Aeschinus Socrati Dialogus
- (613) Bb.7.27-36 Roger North, Life of Francis North
- C.10.4(2) Alexander Neville, 'Angli ad Walliae Proceres Apologia'
- Hh.2.18(2) The Earl of Danby's defence
- Hh.6.8(1) Life of John Bois
- T.9.30 William Alabaster, Sonnets
- U.20.67 Prayers
- James 549 Conveyance of land in Hadlow, Kent
- James 550 Ferdinand II, Grant of an annuity