St John's College S.22 (James 415)
Gifford Galton?, Artificial commonplace collection. English, 1640s
A commonplace compilation of various tracts and treatises, probably compiled and bound by Gifford Galton. Galton may have been a London bookseller, his name is found on political pamphlets of the mid 1640s (Henry R. Plomer, A Dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667 (London, 1907), p. 79). The contents are as follows:
- 'Tom tell Troth or A free Discourse touching the manners of the time Directed to His Majestie by way of humble advertisement Anno 1621'. Printed in the Harleian Miscellany (London, 1808-13), ii, 419-38.
- A tract on ways to 'read man', deriving characteristics and personalities from physical appearance and country of birth; beg.: 'As from the heavens fall rayne and showers to refresh the earth'; ends: 'And therefore I produce this to light, not as a bastard of that Strumpet self Conceyt, but submitt it to the Censure of the wise'. This includes physical descriptions of various leading figures of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuies, including Sir Francis Walsingham, Sir Walter Ralegh, and Robert Cecil, first earl of Salisbury.
- A tract beg.: 'There are in the New Testament of Christ Jesus 3 Kingly States or Governments'; ends: 'Even as the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost doe in there habitation, which is the New Hierusalem' (p. 1)
- 'At Mr Henry Burtons Degradation in the High Commission in St Pauls, June 27 1637' (p. 25)
- 'A True Relation of the Carriage Countenance and Speech which Mr H. Burton shewed and used, Imediatly before and at his suffrings on the pillory in the Pallace Yard at Westminster, upon several occasions ministred during that time. June 30 Anno Domini 1637' (p. 27)
- 'A Relation of the Severall Answeres of Dr Bastwick, Mr Burton, and Mr Prinne, before the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privie Counsell, on the Day of there Censure in the High Court of Starre Chamber' (p. 41)
- 'The Severall Speeches and Passages of Mr Burton, Dr Bastwick, and Mr Prynne, on the Pillory, in the Pallace Yard of Westminster' (p. 59)
- [Gifford Galton], 'In Memoriall of the late vertuous and rarely paraleld Virgin Mrs Elizabeth Nevill', no date. Probably a neat autograph. The authorship is given by the first letters of a verse commemoration of Nevill.
- 'That in the Scriptures there is no ordinacion of nor comanndement for the observacion of the Lords daie but is only an ordninance of the Church'.
- 'The humble petition of Henry Burton late exile, and close prisoner in Castle Cornett in the Isle of Guernsey', no date. A bifolium, loose at the end of the vol. Endorsed by Thomas Baker: 'This is printed in Rushworth's Collect: Par. 3: Vol. 1, p. 78, 79. As far as I have compar'd the copies, they agree.'
1214x174 mm. (1) xv fos; (2) xxxiii fos; (3 to 7) 62 pp. (contemporary pagination); (8) iv fos (in original black paper covers, here bound upside down); (9) vi fos; (10) bifol. The endpapers are constructed from a letter sealed and addressed 'To his very loving Brother Gifford Galton, living with Mr Henry Overton stationer att his shopp att the entring in of Popes-heade-alley out of Lumbard Streete.' Henry Overton worked from this address between 1629 and 1648 (Plomer, Dictionary of booksellers, p. 142). The letter carries a subsequent financial calculation. On first folio of (1), in Baker's hand: 'Tho: Baker Coll: Jo: Socius ejectus'.
At least seven hands, all early or mid seventeenth century. Paper, slightly differing in size according to the original form, but trimmed; some fos ruled in (2). Contemporary limp vellum binding, the edges considerably damaged. Spine title 'Manuscripe' (sic).