Online Room Booking System
The Room Booking System allows you to request room bookings in St John's College.
Rooms can be booked by College members and approved Supervisors using their Raven ID. Some of the bookings are provisional and will be confirmed by either the Accommodation or Bookings Office (for public rooms), or the Catering Office (for dining rooms). Upon booking you will receive an email detailing your booking. In case of provisional bookings, you will be notified by email when your booking has been confirmed or receive further instruction from the area administrator.
For a short video demo on how to use the room booking system please see here.
Room booking queries should be directed as follows:
Supervisions/Conference/Meeting -
Dining Rooms (First and Second Court) -
Music Rooms -
Please note:
Rooms can be booked up to 10 weeks in advance by students and for the full academic year by Fellows and staff. Supervision Rooms can be booked 51 weeks in advance by Fellows, staff and students. All Supervision Room bookings are limited to 6 hours per user/per week.
Room Layout and Requirements
Building | Room | Normal |
Capacity | ||
Corfield Court | Supervision Room 1 | 11 |
Corfield Court | Supervision Room 2 | 11 |
Corfield Court | Supervision Room 3 | 14 |
Corfield Court | Supervision Room 5 | 6 |
Corfield Court | Supervision Room 6 | 4 |
Divinity School | Arthur Quiller Couch | 18 |
Divinity School | Main Lecture Theatre | 150 |
Divinity School | Lightfoot Room | 40 |
Divinity School | Teaching Room 1 | 24 |
Divinity School | Teaching Room 2 | 24 |
Divinity School | Central Hall | 150 |
Fisher Building | Boys Smith Annexe | 4 |
Fisher Building | Boys Smith Room | 40 |
Fisher Building | Castlereagh Annexe | 4 |
Fisher Building | Castlereagh Room | 40 |
Fisher Building | Drawing Room | 4 |
Fisher Building | Palmerston Room | 250 |
Fisher Building | Fisher Foyer | 100 |
Fisher Building | Art Room | 2 |
Chapel Court | F10b | 6 |
Chapel Court | F6 | 6 |
Event organisers must familiarise themselves with, and abide by the College's Code of Practice for Meetings and Public Gatherings on College Premises and the Public Rooms Terms and Conditions:
- Code of Practice for Meetings and Public Gatherings on College Premises:
Code of Practice for Meetings on College Premises - approved by Council 18 April 2024.pdf
- Public Rooms Terms and Conditions:
St John's College Public Rooms Terms and Conditions_0.pdf
Food Safety Guidelines for Self-catered Student or Society events
The Catering and Hospitality Department at St John's College is the primary provider of food, beverage and hospitality in all College venues. College organised and catered events are covered by the College’s Food Safety Management System and must be compliant with food law requirements. Exceptionally, the Department may agree that junior and senior members of College can make their own provision to provide food at certain types of events if the Department is at full capacity.
These exceptional activities may include but are not limited to:
- Student Society events which are organised and potentially catered by students but might be funded by College or taking place on College premises
- Student organised charity events (or similar) with food and drink that they organise, pay for and hold potentially in College rooms or in the gardens.
We set out the following guidance to help ensure that any food purchased or cooked to serve at a student or society event in College is safe and complies with food law requirements:
Food Safety Guidelines for self-catered student events.pdf
Personal Emergency Evacuation (PEEP) Form for attendees
Event organisers must ensure that any attendee who will/may need assistance, for example a person with impaired mobility, to evacuate a building or reach a safe place in the event of an emergency complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation (PEEP) form. The form (included below) must be completed by the person attending, reviewed by the event organiser and returned to the Deputy Head Porter, Sean Gladwell ( in advance of the event (at least one week prior).
Events held in Public Rooms
Events held in Public Rooms of the College
All public room bookings made by junior members of the College which involve hosting a large party, dinner or non Johnian society event are subject to the approval of the Dean, the Catering and Hospitality Manager and the Head Porter (see process flow below). Please download and complete the St John's College large event booking form.
Party/Meeting in a Student Room
Party or meeting in a junior member's room or hostel
If you are planning a party or meeting in your College room or hostel where more than 12 people will attend, you will need the permission of the Dean.
Permission is hardly ever declined (except during the Easter Term revision and examination period) but the Dean will want to be satisfied that the event is properly managed, and that you understand your responsibilities as a good neighbour.
For a larger gathering, the Dean may want to agree an “operating spec” with you, which will ensure that the event runs smoothly.
Download and complete the St John's College Party Booking Form, then send the form to No party must be held until the Dean has given formal approval.