St John's College S.7 (James 404, Wagstaff 3499?)
Thoughts on the Lord's Day and the Sabbath. English, seventeenth century
'A letter desireing my Arguments with promise of Orthodoxe Satisfaction & this is a Coppy of that letter which was the answere', no date, but from hand and contents early seventeenth century. Beg.: 'But this know first, that whereas myne opinion is greene, and I my selfe singuler, I therefore hold it not as a necessary truth or as my profession ...'; ends: 'God give us all understandinge, in all things that we ought to knowe'. Spine title: 'Letter on the Sabbath and the Lord's Day MS'. The author of the original letter (fos 1-12) holds that the Sabbath Day and the Lord's Day are different, and that Christians should observe the Sabbath like the Jews. The orthodox reply begins at fo. 13r. Neither author has as yet been identified. The authors refer at fo. 7r and elsewhere to John Dod and Robert Cleaver's A plaine and familiar exposition of the tenne commandments, first published in 1603, and to the works of William Perkins (d. 1602).
298x208 mm. vi+32+vi fos. On fo. 1v in Baker's hand: 'Liber olim ornatissimi viri Thomae Wagstaff'. Small College bookplate (seventeenth century) at fo. 32r, second College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside front cover.
A single hand - a neat copy with few corrections. Paper. Rebound in nineteenth century: quarter leather, with marbled boards.