St John's College L.13 (James 368)
William Sancroft, Forms of prayer. English, c. 1685
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): Notes on services and forms of prayer. Material relating to the coronation service at fos 5r-16r. The rest of the volume is far more miscellaneous in content, being chiefly additional and occasional forms copied from the Edwardian Liturgy, Elizabethan, Jacobean and Caroline publications, the Privy Council register, Elias Ashmole's collections and other sources.
160X110 mm. [iii]+140+[viii]+[iii] fos. Inscribed by Thomas Baker at fo. I: 'Donum Optimi Praesulis Gulielmi Lloyd nuper episcopi Norvicensis' [William Lloyd (1637-1710), successively Bishop of Llandaff, Peterborough and Norwich], and at fo. iir: 'This Book is an original, in Archbishop Sancroft's own hand, containing several Forms of Prayer, most very scarce, and hard to be met with. With some observations by the Archbishop (a great Ritualist) pretty curious.' College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover.
Autograph throughout. Paper. Original tooled/stamped leather binding. Repaired by J. P. Gray, 1971.
C. Wordsworth & H. Littlehales, The old service-books of the English church (London, 1904) pp. 292.