St John's College W.90
Zachary Nugent Brooke, Lecture notebooks. English, c.1905-1906.
[Zachary Nugent Brooke (1883-1946)]: two autograph notebooks. Contain notes for Modern European History lectures. Vol. I dated October 1905; vol. II dated March 1906. Brooke was a writer and historian, educated at Bradfield College, Berkshire, and St John’s College. In 1908, he became a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, and was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1940. In 1944, he was appointed Professor of Medieval History at Cambridge.
225x170 mm (both volumes). Folio approx. [140] pages (vol. I); [52] pages (vol. II). Paper. Marbled boards with fabric-backed spine. Includes College bookplate on inside front board. Given by Jean Dobson, 2004. Dobson acquired the notebooks from her husband, Kenneth Dobson, who attended Brooke’s lectures as a student during the nineteen-thirties, though she is unaware of how the notebooks first came into his possession.