St John's College W.3 (part)

Correspondence re the library of John Carr. English, 1874

The Revd John Carr, Fellow of St John’s College (d. 1833): correspondence relating to his library, which was presented to the College in 1874 by Carr’s grandson Henry Carr (adm. 1836 but never in residence). The collection consists of a list of 302 books received by the College on 27 July 1874; lists of books held in and absent from the Library, and a list of books for which the Library held ‘equivalent editions’, some subsequently corrected; a biographical note on John Carr; letters from Henry Carr to the Master [William Bateson], and letters between Bateson and the President [J. S. Wood]. One of Wood’s letters (that of 3 Oct. 1874) also refers to drawing the river on account of ‘the offensive and pestilential state’ of the Cam ‘owing to the long-continued stagnation’ and to plans for assisting the Head Porter. At this period the President appears to have enjoyed ultimate authority in library matters. Venn under the relevant biographical entry notes how John Carr was nearly elected Master of the College in 1789.

Manuscript extra information

Four lists and 10 letters. This correspondence apparently remained in the Master’s Lodge and came to the College Library from the papers of Sir Robert Scott after 1933.

Autograph, various hands. Paper.