St John’s College W.88
Rev. William Taylor Wild, Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Newark. English, nineteenth century.
[William Taylor Wild (d.1860)]: autograph weekly sermons, delivered to the Parish Church of Newark, Notts. between October and December, 1826. Includes sermons titled “Man’s natural blindness to spiritual things”; “The dissolution of soul and body”; and “The great advantages of Religion under persecution and distress”. Also contains additional loose-leaf sermon notes, dated 3rd November, 1840.
Manuscript extra information
235x190 mm. Folio approx. [176] pages. Additional loose-leaf sermon notes [12] pages. Paper. Marbled endpapers. Some gold tooling on front and back boards, with blind-tooled centrepiece. Includes College bookplate on inside front board. Given by Ursula C. Rike, 2001.