St John's College K.33 (James 342)
Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Greek New Testament of 1723. English and Greek, c. 1760
Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): MS notes in a copy of the John Mill and Ludolph Kuster Novum Testamentum Graecum (1723). Markland has annotated the book copiously. However, on the verso of the title page he writes: 'What I have scribbled in this Book, was done for my own satisfaction only: therefore my desire is, that nothing here written may be made public, [words cancelled] for which it was not intended. I put down what occurred, in the Country, where I had no opportunity of proper Books to consult; so that it is probable here are many Falsitys, and many things which have been said by others before me, on all which accounts, and many others, if any part of what is here written be published, it will be doing a great injury to the Will and Desire of the Dead. J. M.' Despite these injunctions, many of Markland's notes appeared in William Bowyer's Critical conjectures and observations on the New Testament, collected from various authors (3rd edn, London, 1782). On the final flyleaf, in Markland's hand, is a brief list of scriptural verses, perhaps a list of sermon texts, the first dated Nov. 1764.
395x260 mm. Printed work of 632 pp.; a small number of additional leaves tipped in, including a page from William Bowyer's Miscellaneous tracts (London, 1785) loose at p. 204. On the second flyleaf: 'This book was sent to me by Mr Markland in May 1770. W[illiam] H[eberden]'. Markland bequeathed his books and papers to his friend William Heberden (1710-1801, Fellow of St John's College). On a label pasted inside the front cover: 'My wish is that all Mr Markland's MSS and the New Testament by Mills and Kuster with Mr M's notes, may be given to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of St John's College Cambridge as a small testimony of my gratitude to a society from which my dear Father with my Brothers & me derived very great advantages, T[homas] H[eberden]', no date, but clearly after 1801. Thomas (of St John's College, d. 1843) was William Heberden's eldest son. College bookplate (1792) on verso of title page.
The notes are autograph; some have been cancelled, and there are several changes of thought. Paper. The binding - half bound in leather, marbled paper on boards - may be slightly later in date.