St John's College H.9a (James 276)
Peter Barwick, Life of John Barwick. Latin, c. 1690
'Vita Ioannis Barwick [1612-64, Fellow of St Johns College] Ecclesiae Sti Pauli apud Londinenses Decani: et Collegii Sti Johannis Evangelistae apud Cantabrigienses olim Socii. A Petro Barwick [of St John's College, 1621-1705], ejusdem etiam Collegii olim Alumno, Conscripta. In quâ non pauca Arcana Studia pro Regno Britannico intestinis motibus Collapso, in pristinum Statu' restituendo, difficillimis temporibus fideliter impensa, tandemque feliciter praestituta et Consummata, in lucem proferuntur'. Spine title: 'Io: Barvici Vita'. The Life was edited by Hilkiah Bedford [1663-1724, Fellow of St John's College] from this MS and H.9b, and first printed by W. Bowyer, London, 1721. The author's own MS was said in the 1720s to have been 'preserved by his Grandson Sir John Dutton' (Bedford transl., The Life of the Reverend Dr John Barwick, DD, sometime Fellow of St John's College in Cambridge, London: J. Bettenham, 1724, unpaginated preface).
317x210 mm. 145 pp., with a separate appendix of 3 pp. signed, and copied at pp. 143-5. On the flyleaf, in Thomas Baker's hand: 'Donum ornatissimi viri Joannis Woodward M.D. et in Collegio Greshamiensi medicinae Professoris'. Bedford's preface to his English edition states that this MS was given by Barwick to Woodward, 'and for some Time, with the Author's Appropbation at least, reposited also in another eminent Library, that of St Martin's in the Fields'. Several pen flourishes inside front and back covers. Inside back cover a list of 'writers': 'Vaughan, Roane, Escoline, Richardson, Coppinger, Crayker, Younger, my Lord Bonnell', also 'Cocks, Censor of Goods (?)', 'Roane' several times, and 'Hammond'.
In 'a Friend's Hand' (The Life of the Reverend Dr John Barwick DD, London, 1724, sig. A6). The careful hand of the textual appendix differs from the main, flowing hand. Paper, a tear repaired before writing on p. 23. Original binding: leather on boards.