St John’s College W.47
Francis Willoughby Scott, ‘Life of John Hymers’. English, c. 1990.
[Francis Willoughby Scott (1915-2004)]: typescript draft-copy of ‘Life of John Hymers’. Also includes p.p. 5-41 of a manuscript draft-copy; a typescript photocopy of an obituary printed in The Eagle magazine, vol.XIV (1887); and manuscript correspondence concerning Scott’s research. John Hymers (1803-1887) was an English mathematician and cleric, admitted to St John’s College, Cambridge, as a sizar in 1822. He graduated with a B.A. in 1826 as second wrangler. In 1827, he was elected Fellow of the College, Senior Fellow in 1838, and President in 1848. He obtained a B.D. in 1836, D.D. in 1841, and a fellowship for the Royal Society in 1838. He published several key mathematical works, including Treatise on the Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, and of Curves of Double Curvature (1830) and Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (1847). Hymers College, Kingston upon Hull, was founded in 1893, with proceeds provided by Hymers in his will for the specific purpose of establishing a school “for the training of intelligence in whatever social rank of life it may be found among the vast and varied population of the town and port of Hull”. Francis Scott, a former student of Hymers College and alumnus of St Catherine’s College, Cambridge, is the co-author of Hymers College: the first 100 years (1992).
298x210 mm. Typescript folio approx. [32] pages, loose-leaf. Additional letters and manuscript copy approx. [43] pages. Paper. Stored in protective black box. Given by Francis Scott.