St John's College M.5 (James 388)
Treatise on the Seven Sacraments. Latin, c. 1600
An incomplete treatise on the seven Catholic Sacraments, concluding at fo. 327v: 'Finis Patris Santarelli'. No date, but c. 1600. It is defective at the start. The contents are:
- An incomplete discussion of Baptism, beginning in the second chapter (fo. 1r)
- 'Tractatus 3us De Sacramento Confirmationis [altered from 'Confessionis']' (fo. 49r)
- 'Tractatus 4tus De Sanctissime Eucharistiae / Sacramento' (fo. 63v)
- 'Tractus 5.tus / De Sacrificie Missae' (fo. 102v)
- 'Tractus 6.tus / De Sacramento Poenitentiae' (fo. 128v)
- 'Tractus Octavus (sic) / De Sacramento Extremae Unctionis' (fo. 205r)
- 'Tractatus Octavus / De Sacramento Ordinis' (fo.221r)
- 'Tractatus Nonus / De Sacramento Matrimonii' (fo. 233r).
205x140 mm. iii+327+4 fos. Inside front cover, in another hand, 'Tractatus aliquot de 7 Sacramentis'. College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover. Formerly classified as A.6.23 (inscription inside front cover). Presented by Henry, Earl of Southampton ('Hen: C. S.' inside front cover). James, following Cowie, suggests that the 'same amanuensis' (sic) was responsible for MSS M.1-5, and that the contents of M.1, 2, 3 and 5 'seem to have been the subjects of lectures etc. in some Spanish University, and were probably the property of an English Romanist exile'. However, the hands in the five MSS are significantly different.
A single, neat hand. Paper. Original limp vellum binding, two pairs of ties now missing. Contemporary title on spine: 'Manuscriptio' / Quaest: / De Sacramentis'.