St John's College S.23 (James 416)
Collection of poetry. Circa 1632-37.
- An ode to him selfe. Come leave the loathed stage (Jonson) (fo. 1)
- T. Carew. To Benn Johnson uppon occasion of his ode to himselfe (fo. 2v)
- Iter Boriale. D. [R.] Corbut (fo. 4)
- Mr Austinn to his friend Ben Johnsonn. Sir you desire to see in writing (fo. 15)
- To John Blencow. Whereby (fo. 17). This and 4 published in Simpson (ed.), Ben Jonson, xi, 412-15(p. 27)
- Song, T. C. This mossy banke (fo. 17v)
- An Elegie on Captain Haslerigge by William Davenon (fo. 19)
- T. Carew. To the Countesse of Anglyse: Madam, men say you keepe with dropping eyes (fo. 20v)
- [Ben Jonson]. Ode Pindarique. Brave Infant of Seguntum cleare (fo. 23)
- A trewe discription of the lamentable estate of the Cittie of London in the visitation 1625. P. Messinger (fo. 26)
- J. V. To his mistresse. I plead my ruin, love me not (fo. 30v)
- T. Randulph. An Eclogue to his worthy father Ben: Jonson (fo. 32)
- W. Davenon. A new yeares gift to Mrs Porter (fo. 37)
- [Ben Jonson]. To the right honorable the Lord Treasurer Weston (fo. 37v). In its final version see Simpson, Ben Jonson, viii, 260-1
- W. Shakspere. When fortie winters shall beseege the browe [Sonnet 2] (fo. 38). See Times Literary Supplement 10 May 1985, p. 521; Index of English Literary MSS I part 2, 453
- Tho. Carew. Elegie upon Dr Donne [1631] (fo. 38)
- H. King. Upon my ever desired friend Dr Dunne (fo. 41)
- Aurelian Townshind. Hide not thy love, and myne shall bee open and free (fo. 42v)
- [Ben Jonson]. On the Countesse of Pembroke. Underneath this sable hearse (fo. 44)
- On the death of Rice Manciple of Christ Church. R. Corbut (fo. 45)
- Song. W[illiam]. S[trode]. When whispering straines with gentle winde (fo. 45)
- On a Butcher marrying a Tanner's daughter (distich) (fo. 45v)
- To Mr John Hammond Parson of Beudly for the beating doune of the Maypole. The mighty zeale which thou hast new put on (fo. 46)
- F. Beamond to his friend B. Johnsonn. The Sunne which doth the greatest comfort bringe (fo. 48)
- [Thomas Randolph]. On a good voyce and a bad face. I chanc'd sweet Lesbias voyce to heare (fo. 50)
- Dr Corbett to his sonne Vincent Corbett (fo. 51v)
- Dr Corbett on his father (fo. 52)
- A dialog betwene two Ladies B. J. Come with our voyces let us warre (fo. 53)
- Elegy on Mrs Anne King. H. Gumersall. Sure death hath powre in heaven (fo. 54)
- J[asper] M[ayne]. Uppon Mrs Anne Kings booke of pictures (fo. 55)
- [William Strode]. Come I faint thy heavy stay (fo. 57)
- [Richard Corbet]. On Dr Raines Bishop of London (fo. 58)
- Uppon B. Johnsonns Ode. Com leave this sawcy way (fo. 59)
- T. Carew. A Hymeneall dialogue (fo. 60)
- H. Murry. Farewell fayre Saynt (fo. 61v)
- W. Davenon. Sent (with mellons) to the Lady Kingsmell, after a report of my death (fo. 62)
- T. Carew. To the greene sickness (fo. 63)
- Davenon. To my noble friend Mr John Croftes newly robde (fo. 64)
- A page of epigrams (fo. 65)
- [George Morley], 'J. M.' to Mrs E. P. Reade sweete maide and knowe the heate (fo. 65v)
- To a Ladie upon chast love. Love give me leave to serve thee (fo. 66v)
- H. King. Elegie on Gustavus Adulphus (fo. 67v)
- Davennant. Elegie on the Earle of Rutland (fo. 70)
- Aurelian Tounsend to T. Carew upon the death of the King of Sweden (fo. 71v). On 18, 44, 46, 50 and 51 see G. C. Moore Smith, 'Aurelian Townshend', Modern Language Review 12 (1917), 422-7.
- Thomas Carewe his Answere (fo. 73)
- Tounley, De contingentibus. As once Euripus (fo. 75v)
- A writt of ne exeat regno agaynst Mr Walter Mountagne going to travyle (fo. 76)
- T[homas] May, Neptune to King Charles (fo. 76v)
- Mr Herick to his friend Mr Weeks. Ah Postumus, our yeares hence fly (fo. 77v)
- Upon Ben Johnsons magnetique lady [1632] (fo. 81v)
- Zouch Townsends reply to his friend B. J. (fo. 82v)
- T. Carew. Upon Mrs Cicille Croftes (fo. 82v)
- Carew to a ladye mistrustfull of hir owne beawtie (fo. 83v)
180x155 mm. [1]+85+[5] fos. At the end a rough account and a list of poems and verses. Some pen flourishes throughout the volume and inside back cover: 'John', 'John M.' and 'John Susan'. The signature 'John Nutting' at fo. 26r. Small College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover.
Circa 1632-37 (after the publication of Jonson's Magnetic Lady in 1632, and probably before his death in 1637). A single hand (one variant), with virtually no corrections. Paper. Limp vellum binding, the front cover damaged at the edge.
A full description, images, and a bibliography are available on the Cambridge University Digital Library as part of the Scriptorium project.
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S. Nixon, 'The manuscript sources of Thomas Carew's poetry', English manuscript studies 1100-1700 8 (2000), 197-202, 217-219.
M. Bland, 'Francis Beaumont's verse letters to Ben Jonson and 'The Mermaid Club'', English manuscript studies 1100-1700 12 (2005), 142, 145-147.