St John's College O.3 (James 395)
Filippo Musotti, Letter-book re the Council of Trent. Italian, 1561
'Jornale d[a]l (?) Concilio di Trento p' via di lettere raccolte dal Signor Filippo Musottiche vi intervenne': an original letter-book compiled by Musotti as secretary to the papal legates charged with convening and organising the final phase of the Council of Trent. The book contains transcripts of inward and outward correspondence, in date order. Most if not all the letters survive as originals in the Vatican Archives or the Bibliotheca Ambrosiana, Milan. All the letters date to 1561, many being from Cardinal Borromeo. Most are printed, or calendared, in Josef Susta (ed.) Die römische Curie und das Concil von Trient (4 vols, Vienna, 1904-14), esp. in vol. 1; others in S. Steinherz (ed.), Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland 1560-1572 (Vienna, 1897), vol. 1.
235x170 mm. 239 fos. College bookplate (eighteenth century) at fo. 2v. At fo. 2r, in the hand of Dr Dominico Antonio Ferrari (incorp. LLD, 1710): 'As a present given to me in Cambridge in 1716 by the Hon. Mr Campbell, who had it from the Revd Mr Pawlet St John, who told him, that his father who lived for many years at Florence in great favour with the then Grand Duke, brought it over.' Printed notice of bequest pasted to same folio: 'In grati animi testificationem, ob plurima Humanitatis officia, a Collegio Divi Joannis Evangelistae apud Cantabrigienses multifariam collata, Librum hunc inter alios lectissimos eidem Collegio legavit Illustrissimus Vir, Dominicus Antonius Ferrari, J. U. D. Neapolitanus, 1744. Teste J. Creyk.'
Autograph. Single italic hand. Paper. Rebound in leather, nineteenth century.