MRJ number

Vellum, 27.75 x 18.375, ff. 87, five lines of music (5-line stave) and text to a page.  Late 15th cent., in an immense hand, written in Spanish.

Binding of wooden boards covered with skin, with massive metal ornaments.

Collation :  18 - 118 (wants 8).




Common of Saints.

In natalitiis Confessorum non Pontificum Ad matutinum .         f.    1

Inuitatorium.  Regem confessorum dominum.

In natalitiis virginum                .               .               .               .               .               24

In festo sancte martyris tantum et nec uirginis nec martyris            .               44

In dedicatione Ecclesie           .               .               .               .               .               49b

In communi martyrum tempore Paschali               .               .               .               69

In communi Apostolorum et euangelistarum tempore paschali       .               83b

There are a large number of initials, alternately blue on red and red on purple: the ground of each consists of a very elaborate panel of pen-work, skilfully done.

A similar service-book, larger but much mutilated, is at King's College.

Manuscript extra information

John Evelyn's diary entry of 31 August 1654 records 'went first to St John's College … besides a vast old song book.'