MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 12 x 8, ff. 143, 44 lines to a page.  15th cent., in a good black hand. 

Ex dono Edm. Waller huius Coll. soc. senioris 1739.

                                                                                             2 fo. modum doluit.

Collation :  112 – 712 (wants 12) 812 – 1212.

Lower margin of f. 1 is cut off.


         1.    Gaufridi Monemutensis Historia Britonum                .                .                .         f.                1

Prol.  Cum mecum multa

       -gratulatur affectus.

Inc. lib. de gestis britonum primus.

Eneas post troianum bellum.

The Prophecy of Merlin is cap. I of lib. VI.

Lib. IX ends 53b: hoc modo in latinum sermonem transferre


Expl. cronica de gestis britonum

Laus tibi Ihesu dulcedo mi semper.

                m. J. m.

         2.    Sermo b. Augustini de oratione dominica                .                .                .                54

Beatus apostolus tempora ista quando futurum erat (XXXVIII 370)

       -bonum sempiternum permanebit. prestante d. n. I. C. cui

         est honor et gloria in sec. sec. Amen.

Expl. sermo b. Aug. de orat. domin. Deo gracias.

ff. 58-60 blank.

         3.    Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica                .                .                .                .                61

Inc. prol. uen. bede presb. in librum eccl. hist. de gestis anglorum.

Gloriosissimo regi – mandare studuimus.

Capitula libri primi 61b.

Text.  Britannia oceani insula            .            .            .            .            62

In Lib. II, Capp. xi, xii is a gap of one leaf.

Lib. v ends f. 143: fructum pie intencionis (!) inveniam.

Expl. lib. quintus eccl. hist. gentis angl.

Laus tibi Ihesu dulcedo mi semper.  m. J. m.

A paragraph in the same hand            .            .            .            .            143

Lindisfarne dicitur insula que a wlgo halig elond appellatur

       -sedes episcopalis in dunhelmum translata est1.

Beginning of a table to the History: Abbas-Arturus            .            .            143

Manuscript extra information

This MS is probably in the hand of John Mablethorpe, Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Signature M. J. M. and motto on fols 53v and 143v are the same as in Lincoln College MS Latin 101. For other Mablethorpe MSS see: Lincoln College MS Latin 6; British Library Harley 635; Eton College 47; National Library of Scotland Advocates 33.3.1; Cambridge University Library Ii.6.15.
For John Mablethorpe see N. R. Ker, Books, Collectors and Libraries, ed. Andrew G. Watson (London, 1985), p. 316.

1.  The same occurs in Trin. Coll. MS. R. 7. 5, f. 249.