Vellum, 12 x 7.75, ff. 12, 42 lines to a page. 14th? cent., fairly well written.
Collation : a2, b10.
Narrative of quarrels between Prior Thomas Ringmer, of
Christ Church, Canterbury, and his monks, chiefly after the accession of Abp
John Peckham, about 1280-1. It is
written by one very hostile to the Prior.
Ringmer was Prior from 1274 to 1285, when he assumed
the Cistercian habit and retired to Beaulieu.
It does not appear to me that this narrative, which
seems interesting, has been used by writers on Canterbury.
The text begins after a blank flyleaf:
Cum sancta Cantuariensis ecclesia inter omnes
ecclesias occidentales dignitate prefulgeat,
and ends f. 12b, unfinished or imperfect:
duo eorundem scilicet R. Pikenot et W. de Tonghe horam competentem expectantes de consilio fratrum clam exierunt et iter uersus curiam Romanam arripientes ad eandem tandem peruenerunt.
This also may very well have formed part of a Register.