Vellum roll, 7 ft 5 in. long by 6 in. broad (the last 9 inches a detached piece). 13th – 14th cent., well written.
Ceo est hosebonderie.
Cest escrit si aprent la manere coment hom deit
charger bailifs et prouoz sur
lur aconte
rendre de un maner e coment hom deit manor garder
Au primer deit celuy ke rent aconte
iurrer ke il rendra leal aconte, etc.
Ends on the back:
fors en ii aunz: si aueret ii galons de
miel de chescune rouche.
Omnibus est notum quod multum
diligo <potum>.
Printed from this MS. by Lamond and Cunningham (Walter of Henley, pp. 59 and xl).
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
D. Oschinsky (ed.), Walter of Henley and other Treatises on Estate Management and Accounting (Oxford, 1971).
M. T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record: England 1066 - 1307 (London, 1979), p. 113.