MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 12.675 x 8.75, ff. 193, double columns of 45 lines.  Early 13th cent., well written by two scribes at least.

Collation:  i – iv gone v8 (wants 1 –3) vi8 – ix8 x6 xi8 – xxix8 (wants 7, 8).


Psalmi glosati secundum P. Lombardum (?)

Not an interlinear gloss but a continuous comment, from Aug., Cassiodorus,

    Jerome, etc.

Begins imperfectly in Ps. xxiv (xxv), 2.

The Psalms which begin the Nocturnes have handsome initials, except Dixit

    insipiens.  Quid gloriaris has a large initial.

Exultate has David playing harp.

Cantate and Domine exaudi are unfinished.

Ends imperfectly in Ps. cxxxix (cxl), 3.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.