Vellum, 11.125 x 7.75, ff. 156 + 2, double columns of various numbers of lines: several columns. 14th and 13th cent., in good English hands. Rough skin over boards.
Donor, T. Baker. Wagstaff, 3473.
From Syon Monastery. On the cover is a label, under horn, inscribed :
Tractatus de mundi creacione usque ad Noe. Mappa mundi. Imago mundi. De
mirab(i)libus mundi. Cronica fratris
Martini penitenciarii pape. Cronica
breuis de diuersis bellis et gestis. 2
fo. duo fuerunt.
The book is entered under K. 28 in the Syon Catalogue, edited by Miss Bateson, see p. xviii.
There is an old foliation showing that 24 leaves originally preceded the present f. 1.
Collation : 2 flyleaves, 114 (wants 1, 2) | 28 (wants 8) 38 48 (+ 1) 510 (wants 1) 62 78 814 912 (11 canc.) 1010 (+ 2 slips) 1110 1210 (+ 2 slips) 1310 (+ 1) 146 (wants 5) | 158 1610 | 1710.
On the flyleaf a note by T. Baker:
Est idem liber qui
citatur in Fasciculo edito ab Ed. Browne qui inde adstruit aut confirmat
historiam de Johanne Papissa, quae quidem hic occurrit inter Leonem et
Benedictum, rectene an secus uideant alii.
Certe credidit Edv. Browne:
non ego credulus illi.
Contents :
I. De mundi creacione disposicione et
ornacione Inc. liber . f. 4
Cum uniuscuiusque rei principium eius pars sit.
A note by Dr Liebermann gives the following
account. I
condense it. See also Neues Archiv, IV
“ff. 1-93, in several hands of the beginning or middle
of cent. xiv.
Excerpts from
Gervasius Tilburiensis’ Otia Imperialia (ed.
Leibnitz, Scriptt.
Rer. Brunsvic. I): or rather the greater part
of G.’s text
transcribed verbatim but in a very different order.
The prologue of G. occurs here at the end. There is no table
of contents,
but the rubrics of the chapters are generally
The first Distinctio of Gervase ends at f. 36
[really 12b: aeris
iam ceptam].
The second is thus headed :
Inc. liber qui dicitur mappa mundi . . . . 37 (13)
Nominaciones et diuisiones terrarum et orbis.
This title properly applies only to a part of Dist.
f. 35 = Leibnitz I 906: 36 = 907. ff. 44, 58, 61, 71b, 72, 73, 77,
78, 80, 89,
90, are taken (at least materially) from Gervase.
f. 80 verbatim = Gervase 972-3 (c. 35).
f. 89b, col. 2 = 931.
On f. 74b, where in the original the author
speaks of himself,
our MS.
inserts after me, ‘Galfridum’ (sic): otherwise the
text =
Leibnitz 998.
On f. 73 he also cites Galfridus de Tilliberia, which
citation is
so clumsily
inserted as to spoil the sense.
On f. 77 Willelmus Beroquer, the authority for an
anecdote, is
described as
‘postea unus de iusticiariis domini Henrici
regis Anglie
filii regis Iohannis.’
f. 90b =
Leibn. 942.
92, col. I
= „ 944.
= „ 943. But an original
continuation of the
history of
the empire is added, ending with 1266, and alluding
to Simon de
Montfort’s rebellion as ‘hoc anno,’ and adding,
of England,
‘que uix uel raro propter scisma erigetur in
pristinum’ (92a). This seems to
show that our tract
was composed
before the end of Henry III’s reign.
The readings of this MS. agree rather more with those
of the
Geruasius (Bodl. Canon. Misc. 53) than with those
of Vespasian
E. IV.”
Ends f. 93 (69) b: qui auctor est humilitatis
et pietatis per
seculorum secula. Expl. mappa mundi.
II. Chronica Martini Poloni.
Nomina romanorum pontificum . . . . 94 (70)
From Peter to Innocent IV, 1284, in the first hand:
to 1352 and
again to Urban VI, 1378 (in three hands).
855, after
Leo V, is Johannes; a marginal note (xiv) says :
papissa non
ponitur in cathologo pontificum.
Inc. cronica fratris Martini de pontificibus . . . 95
Quoniam scire tempora
Dr Liebermann’s notes are as follows :
“f. 95. The prologue mentions John XXI. It therefore is
Martin’s second edition (called in Mon. Germ. Hist. SS.
Class C), which contains the ancient Roman history and the
story of Pope Joan. At
the end (f. 120b, col. 2) there is the
same addition as in the MS. called (l. c.) No. 8 (MG. p. 443+).
The second hand continues, but only for the pontificate of
Nichloas III : and this piece is repeated verbatim on ff.
col. 1-122a, col. 1 by a
second hand, which comes down to
Clement V. This part, although certainly connected with
the source of the Continuatio
Romana (printed l. c.) and
sometimes agreeing with it verbatim,
still seems to be a
different work, most likely
A hand of the end of cent.
xiv has added some short notices on
f. 123b and brings the history down to Urban V.”
f. 124 (100) is blank.
After it, a slip in the same
hand as the List of Popes :
Nomina Imperatorum from
Octovianus to Frethericus II (1212).
Continued in two hands to Ludouicus IV (1338): with some
marginal notes.
Inc. cronica fratris Martini de Imperatoribus . . . 125
Post natiuitatem d. n. I. C. octouianus augustus imperauit
annos xiiii.
Dr Liebermann continues :
“The beginning and end of this again agree exactly
Codex 8.
Text ends 146 (14)b, col. I, 1. 5 :
in domo fratrum ordinis b. marie de monte carmeli est
“There is a short but interesting continuation to
Frederick II
in the same hand :
Et in eodem portu multe naues et uasa naualia propter
terribiles incurrerunt naufragium.
Ends with paragraph on Pseudo-Frederick :
Anno gracie mo cc lxxxo iiiito
cum per xxxii annos et amplius
imperialis uacasset apparuit in Alemannia Frethericus
de quo superius
mencio facta fuit imperialem uendicans
non sine admiracione multorum hunc dicencium
pro eo quod ante mortuus putabatur.
Ille uero
se fuisse
Imperatorem argumento uisibili comprobauit narrans
quomodo per
supradicta tempora iacuisset in habitu peregrino
penitenciam per consilium patris patrum.
“The writer apparently believes in this impostor, and
therefore would seem to have been written before
it was known
that the false Frederick had been burned as
a heretic.
ff. 147, 148 deal with the pontificate of Martin
IV. This piece is
nothing but
the end of the Continuatio Romana Pontificum.”
These leaves, 147, 148 (122-3), are in a later hand.
Temopore Martini pape III a. d. m. cco
lxxxi. quadam die
dominica per
quendam latinum de familia regis
- misericorditer a deo largiuntur. Et qui scripsit hec uidit ea.
ff. 149-151 (124-126) blank.
III. Cent. xiii late? : double columns of 39
Ici comence la petite
philosophie . . . . 152
Li sages ki iadis esteient
De moult grant sen sentremetteient.
Ends f. 169 (144) :
li beneiz serront sanz nul degrez
Treis en persones et un en maiestez. Amen.
In the tract previously cited M. Paul Meyer gives an
of this poem
and prints ll. 1-184 and about 32 lines at the
end with
variants from the MS. Dd. 10. 31 in the University
another copy is in MS. Gg. 6. 28, and a fragment
in Bodley MS.
Douce 210. The poem was previously un-
(Meyer, 1. c., pp. 336-340).
On 169b, in a hand of cent. xiv late, is :
Nomina Regum Christianorum in Anglia.
Saxonum. Yne.
xxxvii annos.
The first hand ends with Edward III. Richard II has been
Recapitulacio terre sancte et descripcio eiusdem . . 170 ( 145)
Le apostoille de Rome Innocent uout sauoir
-e les custoumes de la terre des sarazins.
Ed. from a Brussels MS. by K. Hopf, Chroniques
Berlin, 1873,
30-34. Meyer, l. c., p. 340.
In another hand :
Recapitulacio Rome et descripcio eiusdem . . . 172
Quoniam huius splendide urbis pulcritudinem sedule
-unde ergo lacrimabiliter legimus ab
antiquis cercius
audiui in quantum potui curaui.
De sepulcro Romuli. In dalmacia est sepulcrum
Romuli quod
uocatur meta.
Ends, after a section on ‘Equi marmorei,’ with description
13 Regions
-continet pedes xxxiiii .m.
Expl. mirabilia mundi.
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
This MS. appears in an auction sale catalogue of 1687. Dd.9.1013, p. 83, no. 49, Earl of Ailesbury's Library.
C. de Hamel, 'The Medieval manuscripts of Syon Abbey, and their dispersal', Syon Abbey (Roxburghe Club, 1991).
Charles Garton, 'A Fifteenth Century Headmaster's Library', Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 15 (1980), 29-37. Copy in St John's College Library.
K. V. Sinclair, French Devotional Texts of the Middle Ages (Westport, Conn., 1979).
Monumenta Germaniae Historiae 24, 251.
Monumenta Germaniae Historiae 30, 708.
A. M. Bouly de Lesdian, 'III Section Romane. Les Manuscrits Didactiques Anterieurs au XIVe Siècle Essai D'inventaire', Institut de Recherche et D'Histoire des Textes 13 (1964-65).
William Hilliard Trethewey (ed.), La Petite Philosophy: an Anglo-Norman poem of the thirteenth century (Oxford, 1939).
Wolfgang-Valentin Ikas, Martin von Troppau (Martinus Polonus), O.P. (d. 1278) in England: Überlieferungs- und wirkungsgeschichtliche Studien zu dessen Papst- und Kaiserchronik, Wissensliteratur in Mittelalter 40 (Wiesbaden : L. Reichert, 2002) pp. 40, 59, 66, 80, 107-112, 115-122, 152, 155, 172-174, 176, 264.