MRJ number
College classmark

Paper, 10.875 x 8, ff. 85, text mostly 48 lines to a page.  15th cent., clearly written.

Collation : 110 212 312 (wants 12) 412 512 (12 canc.?) 612 712 | 812 (wants 6 – 8).


Contents :

            Boethius de consolatione Philosophiae in English metre.

            In eight-line stanzas.  It is the version made in 1410 by John


            Prologue.   Insuffyschance of connyng and witte

Defaute of langage and of eloquence

This werke  fro me shuld haue behold yitte

But {th}at your heste hath do me violence, etc.


I shall begynne aftir my symplenesse

In will to do your seruice and pleasaunce.


The wihile {th}at rome was reignying in his flowres         f.      1b

And of {th}e warld held all {th}e monarchie


And hym exilend into lumbardy

To prison in {th}e cete of pavy.


In prose and in metre entrechaungely          .               .               2b

With wordes set in colour wonder welle


My selfe I am unsuffyschaunt I wys

ffor yf I couthe haue bettur doun I wold.

            Carmina que quondam, etc.                .               .               .               .               4

Alas I wreche {th}at whilom was in welth

And lusty songes used for to wryte.

            The Latin of the poems, and copious extracts from the prose text, fill the margin.

            Ends imperfectly f. 80b :

                                    Whiche in {th}e sight of his eternite

                                    Ben presente nowe but to {th}e sight of man.

                                    A table follows, running from Accusare to Indigere.

The names of George and John Walker are scribbled in the book

   (xvi).  On 57a is an inscription in red (xv) :

Domine Ihesus Christe miserere anime f(amuli) tui Wi. A. prioris


Manuscript extra information

Carleton Brown and Rossell Hope Robbins, Index of Middle English Verse (New York, 1943), item no. 1597.

M. Science (ed.), Boethius: de consolatione philosophiae translated by John Walton (Oxford, 1927).