Vellum, 8.375 x 5.5, ff. 209 + 1, 20 lines to a page. 15th cent., upright
English hand.
Rough skin, once red, over boards.
Donor, T. C. S.
Collation: 14 28 - 148 152 168 – 268 276 (6 canc.) 284 292, 1 flyleaf.
The first leaves are blackened by galls.
On f. 3b a circular diagram with the points of the compass marked
in English. A volvel which was on it is gone.
Solar and planetary tables . . . . . . . . f. 4
Lunar table . . . . . . . . . . 5
Solar cycle secundum marianum scotum . . . . . . 5b
Tabula festorum mobilium . . . . . . . . 6
Kalendar in black, red and blue . . . . . . . 6b
On alternate pages are tables giving altitude of the sun at noon and
three Cicli Coniunccionis for 1463 and 1482.
Tables of Eclipses of sun and moon running from 1406 to 1462 . . 18b
f. 20 blank.
Memoriae, viz. : . . . . . . . . . . 21
The Trinity, Veronica, George, Christopher, Thomas (of Canterbury),
Michael, Katherine.
Ad matutinas de S. Maria per aduentum et a natale usque ad
purificacionem et per totum annum hoc modo fiat inicium (Use
of Sarum) . . . . . . . . . . 29
Memoriae in Lauds: the Trinity, Cross, Michael, All Angels,
Guardian Angel, John Bapt., Patriarchs and prophets, Peter,
John Evang., Andrew, James, All Apostles, Stephen, Lawrence,
Thomas of Cant. (erased), Alban, Christopher, George, Richard
(Scrope) Abp of York, All Martyrs: Nicholas, Martin, John of
Beverley, John of Bridlington, Erkenwald, All Confessors (Sil-
vester. Hilary, Gregory, Julian, Benedict, Francis, Edmund),
Katherine, Margaret, Faith, Sitha, Katherine, Margaret, Mary
Magd., All Virgins (Agnes, Agatha, Cecilia, Cristina, Anastasia,
Salue Regina and Collect . . . . . . . . . 84
In another hand: In manus tuas . . . . . . . . 85
Prayers at Mass, with rubrics in French. Celi qi latin entent et
droytement sa messe voet oier . . . . . . . . 86b
Signum sancte + crucis defendat me, etc. . . . . . . . 94b
Gaude flore uirginali . . . . . . . . . . 96
Letania de S. Maria . . . . . . . . . . 97b
Salutations to the Virgin; beginning Missus est Gabriel . . . . 102
Stabat Mater (rubric attributes it to S. Gregory) . . . . . . 108
f. 110 blank.
In the first hand:
Salue regina farced with rhyming quatrains . . . . . . 111
O intemerata, 115. Obsecro te, 117.
The seven joys: Virgo templum trinitatis . . . . . . . 119
Ad ymaginem crucifixi and prayers to the wounds, etc. Omnibus
consideratis . . . . . . . . . . . 122
In the second hand: O bone Ihesu O piissime Ihesu. The name
of Jesus in red throughout. 124b blank . . . . . . . 125
In the first hand:
Seven Psalms and Litany . . . . . . . . . 127
In the second hand: Suscipere dignare domine hos septem psalmos . . . 139b
Gaude virgo mater Christi, 141. 142 blank.
First hand:
Office of the Dead . . . . . . . . . . . 143
167b blank.
Commendaciones animarum . . . . . . . . . 168
187b blank.
Psalter of S. Jerome with rubric . . . . . . . . 188
Short Litany, 201. 202b blank.
The Fifteen Oos . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Verses: Si pro peccato uetus adam non cecidisset . . . . . . 209b
Mater pro nato non exaltata fuisset
Sed quia peccatum proprium sanare nequibat
Virgo parit natum per quem medicina redibat
Ergo pro miseris interpellare teneris
Mater que Christi propter peccata fuisti
O mater Christi tua dos est anglia uere
Regnum cum rege prece uirgo pura tuere.
Flyleaf blackened with galls.
In the Kalendar:
Jan. Wulstan in red.
Feb. 9. Apollonia added.
Mar. David and Chad original.
7. An erasure ending 1453.
17. Trans. S. Antonii added.
Ap. 9. Obitus Regis Edwardi quarti 1483 added.
12. S. h. et E. a. d. 1456.
14. Bellum apud Bernet in festo pasche 1471 added.
30. Erkenwald in red.
May 21. Obitus Regis H(enrici) 1471 added.
June 11. Inuencio S. Antonii added.
July 13. S. Henrici imperatoris et conf. added.
26. Anne in red.
Aug. 2. Obitus thome peyton armigeri a. d. mcccclxxxiiii (?) added.
22. Ob. Regis Richardi tercii 1485 added.
Sept. 14. Natali. Francisci (erased) (a.) d. 1484.
22. Maurice in red.
Oct. 4. Francis added.
17. Transl. S. Etheldrede added.
19. S. h. et M. a. d. 1466.
30. Coron. Reg. Henrici Septimi 1485.
Nov. 3. Wenefreda.
14. Transl. S. Erkenwaldi in red.
17. Hugo Ep. in red.
The Litany is pure Sarum.
On the flyleaves:
1. Note on Kalendar.
Suffrage to S. Petronilla.
1b. Prayer.
Suffrages to SS. Apollonia and Sebastian.
2. Prognostics for the year.
2b. Veni sancte Spiritus.
Verses on the planets.
3. Miscellaneous prayers.
At end:
Prayer to guardian angel, etc.
Verses: Cisio Janus and others.