Vellum, 7.625 x 4.625, ff. 180, double columns of 39 lines. 15th and
13th cent., well written.
Donor. T. C. S. 2 fo. uel ab alio.
Collation: 18 | 212 - 612 78 812 92 1012 - 612 174 | 182.
Each quire is marked in this form "6us habet 12," etc.: but not correctly:
quire 9 is not reckoned, and 7 which has 8 leaves is said to have 12, yet there is no gap.
The first quire is full of notes and verses (grammatical) in a 15th cent.,
hand. The principal is a series of verses on words, be-
ginning f. 2b.
Turbat asilus ares miseris succurit asilum. Asilum.
ending Hoc zyma fermentum proprie uult esse retentum. Zyma.
Expl. versus oral[al]es sequiturque una nesessaria differentia . f. 6
Dic per e desertus dimissus siue relictus,
Doctus facundus per I dic esse disertum, etc.
On 6b. Augustus -ti -to secer (Caesar) uel mensis habeto, etc.
7b. Proprietates certorum vermium, with English glosses.
Mergent multorum modo nomina uermiculorum.
Ffilat arania. repit in aures auria dans lis (!), etc.
Other notes and verses on 7 and 8. Thereafter begins the hand of
13th cent.
Brito de vocibus Bibliae . . . . . . 9
Difficiles studio (!) partes quas biblia gestat, etc.
A littera sicut dicit ysidorus.
On f. 90b originally blank a hand of the 15th cent. has written:
De scolaribus quondam addiscentibus in scola ville Castri (Caistor)
in comitatu lincolnie cum Thoma harisun cui restat iste liber.
De gramaticis: 29 names beginning Mr Wylliam Manby.
De peticiis: 22 names beginning Mr Thomas mystyldyne.
Brito ends f. 177b (Zorobabel): uerba sunt ysid. eth. vii.
A distich in another hand (xiii).
Ad festum pasche tarantara filia sume.
Ut possis niueam taratanrizare farinam.
Notes of 13th cent., on f. 178.
On 179, 180, notes and verses of 15th cent., e.g. De arboribus with
English glosses:
Arborias species per uersus hos bene nosces.
an asche an aspe an hassul ok(?)
fraxinus et tremulus pomus corilus pirus ornus (?), etc.
L. W. Daly, 'Guillelmus Brito and his works', The Library Chronicle 32:1 (1966), 1-17.