Vellum, 9.25 x 6.625, ff. 211 + 1, 33 lines to a page. 15th cent., clearly written.
Donor, T. C. S.
Collation: 1 flyleaf, 112 | 28 - 268 (wants 8).
Fine stamped leather binding over boards, clasps gone. The principal stamps are (1) a square one of two dogs (?) with necks interlaced, (2) square, eagle with scroll, (3) circular, large six-petalled rose, (4) triangular flower, (5) square, dragon.
I. 1. Incomplete tract on Tenures, probably not in the same hand
as the rest . . . . . . . . f. 1
(T)enure par seruice de Cheualier est tenure par homage feaute
et escuage.
Ends (on 'Rent sek ou quite rent'):
et par taunt dez deniers par an', etc. Expl.
f. 12 blank.
2. Lyttelton on Tenures . . . . . . . 13
Each of the three books has a fine initial in gold and colours
and a partial border.
Tenaunt in fee simple est celuy qui as terres, etc.
Ends f. 123a:
Versus: lex plus laudatur quando racione probatur.
Expl. opusculum per litilton unum Justiciar. communis Banci
ff. 123b, 124 blank.
II. De natura Brevium . . . . . . . . 125
Primerment dicitur qil y ad breue de droit patent est tiell.
Rex balliuis suis, etc.
Fine initial and partial border.
Towards the end of the treatise blanks are left for the Latin
forms of briefs which have not been inserted.
Ends f. 208b: cest breue deuers lestraunge.
Expl. natura Breuium.
Various notes follow, e.g.:
In istis casubus non debet quis uadere legem . . . . 208b
Memorial verses on Briefs . . . . . . . 208b
Dies communes de Banco . . . . . . . 209b
Dilaciones in placito terre . . . . . . . 210
Obligatur quis ad Warr(antum) etc. . . . . . 210
En tantz dez maneres home ne fra sa ley . . . . . 210b
En toutz cez casez la feme nauera sa dower . . . . 210b
Nullus istorum respondebit sine alio etc. . . . . . 211
Ending: Nota que v maneres des acciones est mayntenable
-ou les arbitres arbitrerount un certein somme argent.
Exhibited as a binding, catalogue no. 729, in the Victoria and Albert Museum's English Medieval art exhibition, 1930.
Strickland Gibson, Early Oxford Bindings (Oxford, 1903), p. 23.