Vellum, 16.2 x 9.2, four volumes, ff. 123, 84, 22, 83, double columns of 82 lines, then text and gloss in double columns, text varying, gloss in 92 lines, then double columns of 80 lines. Early 14th cent., finely written and ornamented, in England.
Given by Will. Marshall, Fellow, in 1625. From Southwell (see below).
2 fo. ul. dic. quod.
Collation : 112 – 812 910 108 118 (+1) | 1212 – 1812 | 198 208 216 | 2212 - 2812
(wants 12).
Contents :
1. Guido de Baysio. Apparatus Libri sexti Decretalium (in five
divisions) . . . . . . . . . . f. 1
Unerabilibus et discretis uiris rectoribus uniuersitatis scolarium
Bononie... Guydo de Basyo
Ends f. 123b cum percussio in fine.
Expl. Apparatus quinti libri Editus per D. Guydonem de Baysio
Archidyaconum domini pape Capellanum.
2. Hic inc. textus sexti libri Decretalium domini Bonifacii pape
octaui. Bonifacius episcopus . . . . . . 1
Gloss. In dei nomine Amen. secundum philosophum scire est
Text ends f.84 (94)b. nititur uoluntatem. Idem. Expl. text.
vi. li. decretalium. Actus rome apud s. petrum v. non. mart.
pontificatus nostri anno quarto.
Gloss. –plerisque.
Expl. apparatus Iohannis monachi super vi. li. decretalium.
3. Inc. tractatus domini Dini super titulo de regulis iuris sexti
libri decretalium . . . . . . . . . 1
Premissis casibus singularibus
Ends 22 b secundum iuris communis dispositionem.
Expl. tract. domini dini.
4. Hic. inc. apparatus Iohannis andree super sexto libro
decretalium. Quia preposterus est ordo . . . . 1
Ends f. 83b : nouiter inchoatos. Jo. andree.
Expl. app. Ioh. andree. Editus super (bis) sexto lib. Decretalium.
List of tituli follows, and an erased inscripion of 9.5 lines.
The ornamentation of the book is exceedingly fine. The principal divisions have miniatures and borders, and the smaller initials, often in dragon-forms, are prolonged with bars of gold and colour ending with solidly painted pink and blue foliage. The drawing of the pictures is good but not extremely delicate.
The following are the figured subjects :
Vol 1. f.1 Full border with grotesque figures. Two shields (1) or semee of fleur-de-lys sable. (2) arg. a lion rampant gules among crosslets patee of the second.
Square miniature representing a Pope seated in chasuble and high green cap, attended by three cardinals. In C. a bookcase with sloping top and four rows of books on it. Locks for the bars on which the chains ran are shown on the end (R.) On R. two doctors are holding gloves.
Initial, a doctor holding a book, and an attendant. Chequered ground.
f.1b Christ seated with orb, blessing. Gold ground.
f.53b Partial border. Two shields. 1. Party per pale azure and gules, a lion rampant argent. 2. Chequer of or and gules, a bend dexter sable, bordered argent.
Miniature, a king in C., doctors on L., civilians on R.
f.73. Border. Miniature. Priest at altar. Cleric contending? with man in red on R.
f.101. ,, ,, A marriage.
f.102b. ,, ,, King in C. Doctor on L. Man on R.
2. f.1. Border with shields as on vol.1. Miniature. Seated Pope, bearded,
attended by cardinals, gives book to kneeling man.
f.37. Border with shields as on f.53 of vol.1. Small picture. Judge between two litigants. Initial. St Margaret crowned, on dragon; she has long cross and book.
f.49b. Shields. 1. Arg. a label of three points gules. 2. Arg. a saltire engrailed sable (obscure) (?for Tiptoft). Initial. Priest at altar, cleric in white repulses man on L.
f.67b. Shields. 1. Argent (obscure). 2. Arg. with bordure engrailed gules.
Picture. A marriage.
f.68b. Shields. 1. or semee of fleur-de–lys sable, a blend dexter gules. 2. The
same with a bend dexter of the field. Picture. A king on L., two litigants on R.
3. f.1. Border. Shield (held by a wild man) or semee of fleur-de-lys sable within a bordure engrailed gules. Initial. Lecturer at desk : hearers on R.
4. f.1. Border. Shields. 1. argent. 2. Argent lion rampant gules (as f.1).
Miniature cut out. Initial. Doctor holds up book.
A remarkable decorative initial on f.2. In this part of the book I think we have a different illuminator, and one of great spirit. The initials of the five divisions have the same subjects as those in vols.1 and 2, except Lib. II (36), which has initial of St Katherine with wheel and sword standing on Maxentius. The lower border is cut off.
Lib.III, f.46b. Shields as on f.53 (vol.1). Two admirable lions in the border and also men fighting.
Lib.IV, f.60b. Shields as for Lib.III. Good grotesques.
Lib.V, f.61b. Man hanging : dear and dog in border. In the miniature one of the litigants has a white beast coiled round his neck by way of a collar.
The shield which occurs most frequently, viz. or semee of fleurs-de-lys sable, was borne by the Mortimers of Attleborough in Norfolk, on whom see Blomefield, vol.1, 510 etc.
The erased inscription reads : Sextus liber decretalium legatus Capitulo | de Suthwell
per d. Will. de Gumthorp | canonicum eiusdem ecclesie et prebendarium alterius prebendarium de Northwell vocat Palishall | ad remanendum in libraria eiusd. eccl. ibidem perpetuo per......que quidem d. W. obit apud Suthwell a.d. | mill. ccccmo qui alienaverit anathema sit |
Vol. 2: a quire of 10 folios is missing between f.72 (old numbering 72) and f.73 (old numbering 83), which must have contained the text given in Friedberg, Corpus iuris canonici, vol.II, col.1078, end of line 5.
D.D. Egbert, The Tickhill Psalter and related manuscripts (New York, 1940), pp.117-20, 219-22, plates CXI, CXII.
P. Linehan and J.L. Nelson (eds.), The Medieval World (London, 2001) p.509 (reproduces vol. 2 f.1r).
L.J. Sandler, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1485 (Oxford, 1986) no.113, figs. 295, 296.
S. Drechsler, ‘The illuminated Þjófabálkr in fourteenth-century Icelandic Jónsbók manuscripts’, Viking and medieval Scandinavia, 12 (2016), 1-40.
Exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Nov. – Dec. 2001. See the catalogue: S. L'Engle and R. Gibbs, Illuminating the law: medieval legal manuscripts in Cambridge Collections (London, 2001) no.19.