20/06/2021 18:00 - 18:30

Organ Recital - James Anderson-Besant (St John’s College)

Widor: Allegro (Symphonie VI)
Vierne: Cathédrales
Alain: Deux Danses à Agni Yavishta
Dupré: Prelude and Fugue in G minor


  • Owing to limited spacing in Chapel, members of the College Community and their guests are recommended to book seats for Sunday Evensong, please follow this link.
  • You are welcome to attend only the Organ Recital, but are asked to sit in the Ante-Chapel


Owing to the current Covid restrictions, attendance is limited to Chorister parents and resident members of the College their guests and staff only.  It is with regret that we are still unable to welcome to the Chapel members of the public. This decision will be regularly reviewed by the College, with the hope that families, friends and visitors can be welcomed before too long.