Papers reviewed by the Reading Group


Easter Term

Thursday 16th May 2024 -  Dr Elias Nosrati, Professors Mike Kelly & Simon Szreter

"Infant mortality and social causality: Lessons from the history of Britain’s public health movement, c. 1834–1914"

Nosrati E, Kelly MP, Szreter S. Infant mortality and social causality: Lessons from the history of Britain's public health movement, c. 1834-1914. Br J Sociol. 2024 Jun 15. 

Michaelmas Term 

Wednesday 15 November 2023 - Professor Robert Gordon

"Bicycle Thieves = Ladri di biciclette"

Bicycle thieves Ladri di biciclette  Robert S.C. Gordon. Chapters 5. Cities and 6. Communities.     

Precarious lives: Inequalities in health through the lens of the film maker- A workshop on film, social realism, and inequalities in health with the participation of Ken Loach. Workshop report: Precarious lives: inequalities in health through the lens of the filmmaker 2023


Lent Term

Thursday 23 March 2023 - Professor Theresa Marteau

Evaluation of evidence into practice to impact Inequalities in health

Marteau, T. (2023). Evidence-neglect: addressing a barrier to UK health and climate policy ambitions. Science and Public Policy.

Diamond, P., Richards, D., Sanders, A. and Westwood, A. (2023), Levelling Up the UK: If not the Conservatives, will Labour Learn the Lessons from Past Policy Failings?. The Political Quarterly.


Easter term

Tuesday 7 June 2022 - Dr Pepita Barlow

“The political origins of health inequities: what can we learn from cross-country comparisons of health?”

*Barlow, P and Thow, A.M. (2021) Neoliberal discourse, actor power, and the politics of nutrition policy: A qualitative analysis of informal challenges to nutrition labelling regulations at the World Trade Organization, 2007–2019. Social Science & Medicine.

*Barlow, P (2018) Does trade liberalization reduce child mortality in low and middle-income countries? A synthetic control analysis of 36 policy experiments, 1963-2005. Social Science & Medicine.

*Navarro, V (2009) International Journal of Health Services, Volume 39, Number 3, pages 423–441. https://doi: 10.2190/HS.39.3.a

Lent Term

Tuesday 22 February 2022 - Professor Gordon Harold

"Getting Under the Skin’ of Gene-Environment Interplay: Unpacking Genetic Factors from Family Environment Factors to Promote Children’s Mental Health and Future Life Chances"

*Conger, R et al. (1991) A Process Model of Family Economic Pressure and Early Adolescent Alcohol Use. The Journal of Early Adolescence.

*Ge, X et al. (1996) The Developmental Interface Between Nature and Nurture: A Mutual Influence Model of Child Antisocial Behavior and Parent Behaviors. Developmental Psychology.

*Harold, G, Leve, L & Sellers, R (2017) How Can Genetically Informed Research Help Inform the Next Generation of Interparental and Parenting Interventions? Child Development. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12742

Michaelmas Term

Tuesday 19 October 2021 - Professor Peter Jones

On schizophrenia being more common in African Caribbean communities in Europe

*Jongsma, H et al (2021) Understanding the excess psychosis risk in ethnic minorities: the impact of structure and identity. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology. DOI. 10.1007/s00127-021-02042-8

*Jones, P & Fung, W L A (2014) Ethnicity and Mental Health: The Example of Schizophrenia in the African-Caribbean Population in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

*Burke, A (1984) Racism and Psychological Disturbance Among West Indians in Britain. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.


Easter Term

Tuesday 22 June 2021 – Professor Aziz Sheikh & Professor Simon Griffin

"Can we create data-enabled learning health systems? Reflections from on COVID-19"

*Sheikh, A et al. (2021) Health information technology and digital innovation for national learning health and care systems. The Lancet Digital Health

*Simpson, C. R et al (2021) First-dose ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events in Scotland. Nature Medicine

*Sheikh, A (2021) From Learning Healthcare Systems to Learning Health Systems. Learning Health Systems

*Vasileiou, E (2021) Interim findings from first-dose mass COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and COVID-19 hospital admissions in Scotland: a national prospective cohort study. The Lancet.

*Sheikh, A (2021) SARS-CoV-2 Delta VOC in Scotland: demographics, risk of hospital admission, and vaccine effectiveness. The Lancet

Lent Term 

Tuesday 25 March 2021 – Professor Kevin Fenton

Discussion notes

*Ward, H et al. (2021) Antibody prevalence for SARS-CoV-2 following the peak of the pandemic in England: REACT2 study in 100,000 adults

*Razieh, C et. al. (2021) Ethnic minorities and COVID-19: examining whether excess risk is mediated through deprivation. European Journal of Public Health

*Nafilyan, V et. al. (2021) Ethnic differences in COVID-19 mortality during the first two waves of the Coronavirus Pandemic: a nationwide cohort study of 29 million adults in England

*Lawes-Wickwar, S et. al. (2021) A Rapid Systematic Review of Public Responses to Health Messages Encouraging Vaccination against Infectious Diseases in a Pandemic or Epidemic. Vaccines

Michaelmas Term

Tuesday 17 November 2020 – Professor Mike Kelly and Dr John Ford

The interface between inequality and infections

* Bambra, C et al. (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic and health inequalities. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

* Horton, Richard. (2020) Offline: COVID-19 is not a pandemic, Vol 396 September 26, 2020: 874.

* The social, the biological and the material world and COVID 19. (M Kelly)


Lent Term

Tuesday 18 February 2020 – Professor Brian Ferguson and Professor Richard Cookson

Using scientific knowledge to help reduce health inequality: the role of lifecourse microsimulation

Cookson, Mirelman, Griffin, Asaria, Dawkins, Norheim, Verguet, & J Culyer (2017). Using Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Address Health Equity Concerns. Value in health, 20, 206-212  (7 page journal article)

Skarda, I, Asaria, M and Cookson, R. (2020).  Lifecourse microsimulation for economic evaluation of public investments in childhood.  Equipol working paper, University of York.

Michaelmas Term

Tuesday 12 November 2019 – Professor Mike Kelly and Dr Elias Nosrati

Habitus, bodies and health inequalities

•             Wacquant, Loïc (2006) Habitus, in Beckert, J and Zavirovski M (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Economic Sociology, London: Routledge. 315-319

•             Megan Warin, Vivienne Moore, Michael Davies, Stanley Ulijaszek (2016) Epigenetics and Obesity: The Reproduction of Habitus through Intracellular and Social Environments, Body and Society; Vol. 22(4) 53–78.

•             Extracts: Local Government Board (1914) Forty-third Annual Report of the Local Government Board, 1913-14. Supplement in continuation of the Report of the Medical Officer of the Board for 1913-14 containing a Third report on Infant Mortality dealing with infant mortality in Lancashire. London: HMSO.


Easter Term

Tuesday 9 July 2019 – Prof Allyson Pollock

The end of universal healthcare in England?

Pollock, A. M., Macfarlane, A. J. and Godden, S. (2012). Dismantling the signposts to public health? NHS data under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2012(344) (Repository copy available here)

Pollock, A. M., & Roderick, P. (2018). Why we should be concerned about accountable care organisations in England’s NHS. BMJ, 360, k343.

BMJ blog – ‘Portability of budgets and competition for GP practice lists—another back door route to US style ACOs?’

Briefing note to House of Lords – ‘The changing data requirements of the market: implications for public health functions of the abolition of geographic areas and responsibilities’

Lent Term

Thursday 14 February 2019 – Dr Hilary Burton and Prof Mike Kelly

The impact of new technology on health inequalities

Draft of “Health technology and inequality” publication for PHG – not available for circulation.

Greenhalgh, T., Wherton, J., Papoutsi, C., Lynch, J., Hughes, G., Hinder, S., Procter, R. and Shaw, S., 2018. Analysing the role of complexity in explaining the fortunes of technology programmes: empirical application of the NASSS frameworkBMC medicine16(1), p.66.

Michaelmas Term

Wednesday 14 November 2018 – Dr Elias Nosrati

Punitive social policy and the American overdose epidemic

Case, A. and Deaton, A., 2015. Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st centuryProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences112(49), pp.15078-15083.

Wacquant, L., 2014. Class, race and hyperincarceration in revanchist AmericaSocialism and Democracy28(3), pp.35-56.

Nosrati, E., Kang-Brown, J., Ash, M., McKee, M., Marmot, M. and King, L.P., 2019. Economic decline, incarceration, and mortality from drug use disorders in the USA between 1983 and 2014: an observational analysisThe Lancet Public Health4(7), pp.e326-e333.


Easter Term

A one day conference and public lecture on Friday 1 June 2018:

“Comparative perspectives on social inequalities in life and death: An interdisciplinary conference”

Lent Term

Thursday 8 February 2018 – Professor Susan J. Smith

The contribution of geography to the study of health inequalities

Papers for discussion

“The strange geography of health inequalities” – Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

“Wellbeing at the edges of ownership” – Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space

Michaelmas Term

Wednesday13 December 2017 – Professor Mike Savage

Contemporary understandings of social class

Papers for discussion

“End class wars” – Nature News & Comment


Lent Term

Wednesday 1 February 2017

This meeting provided an opportunity to discuss continuing work on Reading Group papers, and the development of a proposal to hold an event on the subject of social mammals

Michaelmas Term

Monday 3 October 2016 – Stephen Suomi on social mammals

Massart, R., Suderman, M.J., Nemoda, Z., Sutti, S., Ruggiero, A.M., Dettmer, A.M., Suomi, S.J. and Szyf, M. (2016) The Signature of Maternal Social Rank in Placenta Deoxyribonucleic Acid Methylation Profiles in Rhesus Monkeys. Child Development.

Book chapter: Suomi, S. J. (n.d.) Attachment in Rhesus Monkeys


The main focus of meetings this year has been to work towards the production of academic papers. Consequently not every meeting involved a review of existing research.

Easter Term

Wednesday 8 June 2016

The final meeting of the year dealt with the progress being made on papers being written by the group, discussions on interdisciplinarity and the future of the Reading Group.

Wednesday 4 May 2016 – Professor Richard Holton on addiction

Holton, R. and Berridge, K. (2013) Compulsion and Choice in Addiction. A shortened version of: Addiction between compulsion and choice, in, N. Levy (ed.) Addiction and Self-Control, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 239–68.

Lent Term

Wednesday 17 February 2016 – Dr Robbie Duschinsky on attachment

Raikes, H. A. and Thompson, R. A. (2005) Links between risk attachment and security: Models of influence, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology; 26:440-455.

Cyr, C., Euser, E. M. Bakermans-Kraneburg, M. J. and van Ijzendoorn, M. H. (2010) Attachment security and disorganization in maltreating and high-risk families: A series of meta-analyses, Development and Psychopathology; 22: 87-108.

Main, M., Hesse, E. and Kaplan, N. (2005) Predictability of Attachment Behavior and Representational Processes at 1, 6, and 19 Years of Age: The Berkeley Longitudinal Study, in, K. E. Grossmann, K. Grossman and E. Waters (eds.) Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood: The Major Longitudinal Studies, New York: The Guildford Press.

Michaelmas Term

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The proposed work plan was further reviewed in this meeting.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

This meeting established the foundations of a work plan for the coming academic year, focusing mainly on the production of academic papers which built on the readings and discussions in the previous year.


Easter Term

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Gilens, M. & Page, B.I. (2014) Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Perspectives on Politics; 12: 564-581.

Piketty, T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, Mass: Belknap press.

Lent Term

Wednesday 18 March 2015

This meeting acted as a discussion of all the papers that had been reviewed so far and as a consolidation of key ideas and themes which had emerged from previous meetings of the Reading Group.

                Further readings

Bunker, J.  (2001)   Medicine Matters After All:  Measuring the benefits of medical care, a healthy lifestyle, and a just social environment. London: The Stationery Office/The Nuffield Trust.

Giddens, A.  (1979) Central problems in social theory: action, structure and contradiction in social analysis. Basingstoke: Macmillan

Giddens, A. (1982) Profiles and critiques in social theory. London: Macmillan

Giddens, A. (1984) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge: Polity.

Health Education Authority (1998) The HEA Health and Lifestyle Survey: A Report on the Secondary Analysis of a National Data set of Health-related Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour, London: Health Education Authority.

Piketty, T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, Mass: Belknap press.

Victora, C.G., Horta, B.L., de Mola, C.L., Quevedo, L., Pinheiro, R.T., Gigante, D.P.,Gonçalves,H. Barros, F.C. (2015) Association between breastfeeding and intelligence, educational intelligence, educational attainment, and income at 30 years of age: a prospective birth cohort study from Brazil, Lancet Glob Health 2015; 3: e199–205

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Barker, D.J.P., Barker, M, Fleming, T., Lampl, M (2013) Support mothers to secure future public health, Nature; 504: 12 December 209-211

Ozane, S. E and Constancia, M. (2007) Mechanisms of Disease: the developmental origins of disease and the role of the epigenotype

Stuckler, D., King, L., McKee, M (2009) Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis: a cross-national analysis, Lancet; Published online January 15, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140- 6736(09)60005-2

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Marteau, T.M. & Hall, P.A. (2013) Breadlines, brains, and behaviour: targeting executive functioning and environments may loosen the link between demography and destiny, BMJ 2013; 347: f6750 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6750

Raver, C.C., Blair, C., Willoughby, M. (2013) Poverty as a predictor of 4-year-olds’ executive function:new perspectives on models of differential susceptibility, Developmental Psychology, 49:292–304.

Harris, J. (2002) From poor law to welfare state? A European perspective, in, Winch, D & O’Brien, P.K. (eds) The Political Economy of British Historical Experience, 1688-1914, London: British Academy.

                Suggested further readings:

Solar, P. (1995) Poor relief and English economic development before the industrial revolution, Economic History Review; 48: 1-22

Ferguson, T. (1984) The Dawn of Scottish Social Welfare: A Survey From Medieval Times to 1863, London: Nelson

Fergusion, T. (1958) Scottish Social Welfare 1864-194, Edinburgh: Livingston

Thursday 22 January 2015

Conant, R.C. & Ashby, W.R. (1970) Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system, Int. J. Systems Sci., 1970, 1: 89-97.

Anderson, E.S. (1999) What is the point of equality? Ethics; 109: 287-337