St John's College W.3 (part)
George Udny Yule, Patents. English, 1894-5
British and US patents issued for George Udny Yule, Fellow of St John’s College (1871-1951), while a Demonstrator in Applied Mathematics at University College London, in respect of his invention for ‘improved arrangement and combination of apparatus to be employed in harmonic analysis’, 3 Aug. 1894 and 15 Jan. 1895.
345x210mm and 305x200mm. Two items: the US patent including four fos of descriptive information. Numbered (UK) 14928/94, (US) 532625. With a letter from Lt-Col. James Yule, George’s cousin, to the Master [Robert Hinde], 16 Oct. 1992, presenting the manuscript to the College, and a copy of Professor Hinde’s acknowledgement, 19 Oct.
Completed printed forms, with the usual Patent Office seals. Paper. In a cloth Harris & Mills patent folder.