St John's College W.3 (part) (James 587)
Peter Mason, Miscellaneous scholarly papers. English, Greek and Hebrew, nineteenth century
Peter Hamnett Mason, Fellow and President of St John’s College (1827-1912): Hebrew exercises and other miscellaneous papers, after 1860. Including verses set for translation into Hebrew as exercises in the Prize competitions at St John’s, Apr. 1860 and 1861. Several pages of attempted translation signed J[oshua] H[oratio] Greaves (of St John’s College, 1855-1930). Others headed ‘Hebrew Grammar’ and ‘Hutton’ [the Hutton Prize?] One sheet carries a draft title page for ‘The Light of Life / being / An Essay / in contra distinction to / World-light / in Lux Mundi’. Some definitions of Hebrew letters and terms. An incomplete biographical note on Jean Calvin.
Various sizes. 48 pp. Apparently from Mason’s papers, though there is no clear indication of provenance.
More than one hand. Commercial plain paper, reused by writing on both sides. One page written on the back of a notice of a University Congregation, 8 Mar. 1872.