St John's College W.3 (part)

Kenneth Craik, Poems and other papers. English, 1931-43

Kenneth James William Craik, Fellow of St John’s College (1914-45): miscellaneous writings as listed. Craik was killed in an accident in Cambridge on the eve of VE Day. For an obituary notice by F. C. Bartlett see The Eagle, 52, 454-65.

1. ‘On revisiting and old classroom’, and other poems, 1931-2. 29 pp.

2. ‘Selections from diary of a Norwegian Holiday’, 23 July to 13 Aug. 1935. ‘Diary X’. 26 pp.

3. Extract from diary, 15-22 Oct. 1935. 10 pp.

4. ‘The Winds of Failure’, 16 Dec. 1937/16 Dec. 1938. i+9 pp. Dated differently on title page and first leaf.

5. ‘Kayak’, 24 Feb. 1939. 3 pp.

6. ‘Finale’, 8 Oct. 1939. 2 pp.

7. Untitled. Begins ‘The other night I had a woeful dream …’, 17 Dec. 1939. 6 pp.

8. ‘Farnborough, 1940’, 21 Aug. to 5 Sep. 1940. Possibly transcripts of diary entries recording ‘high g’ flying research. i+26 pp.

9. ‘Thoughts on the War’, 25 June 1941. 14 pp.

10. ‘Reactions to Living’ [title adjusted from ‘On the purpose of life’], 28 June 1942. 5 pp.

11. ‘Art, Science, Mathematics, and every-day Thinking’, 16 May 1943. 5 pp.

12. ‘On a Sense of Guilt’, 12 Sep. 1943. 4 pp.

13. ‘Near and Far’, no date. 3 pp.

14. ‘Tics and related habits’, no date. 7 pp.

15. Extract from ‘Diary, vol. XV pp21’, no date [perhaps c. 1936 from references to the deaths of T. E. Lawrence and Rudyard Kipling]. 9 pp.

16. Notes of books and papers, borrowed, lent and missing, no date [c. 1945]. 2 pp.

Manuscript extra information

325x205mm (max.). 162 pp. Presented by [Alan] Welford, Fellow of St John’s College, 1968. Welford was Craik’s contemporary and Junior Bursar of St John’s in 1945.

Typescript with autograph corrections. Not bound. Paper.