Samuel Butler's Books
Click on the titles below to read a summary, view images of some of the editions in the Butler Collection, and find links to free online editions of Butler's books.
1872 Erewhon
1901 Erewhon Revisited
1903 The Way of All Flesh
1863 A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
1873 The Fair Haven
1878 Life and Habit
1879 Evolution, Old & New
1880 Unconscious Memory
1882 Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
1887 Luck, or Cunning?
1888 Ex Voto
1896 The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Butler
1897 The Authoress of the Odyssey
1898 The Iliad
1899 Shakespeare’s Sonnets Reconsidered
1900 The Odyssey
Thank you to undergraduate Maya Palit for her contribution to this online exhibition.
Acknowledgement is also due to Peter Raby's book Samuel Butler: A Biography (London: 1991), from which some of the information on the following pages is taken.