Research outputs

Research outputs


KELLY, M.P, KELLY, R., RUSSO, F. (2014) The integration of social, behavioural and biological mechanisms in models of pathogenesis, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine; 57: 308-28.

MARTEAU, T.M., HOLLANDS, G.J., KELLY, M.P. (2015) Changing population behavior and reducing health disparities: Exploring the potential of “choice architecture” interventions, in Kaplan, RM, Spittel, M, & David, DH. (eds).  Population Health: Behavioral and Social Science Insights, AHRQ Publication No. 15-0002. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, National Institutes of Health. pp105- 126.

BLUE, S., SHOVE, E., CARMONA, C. KELLY, M.P. (2016) Theories of practice and public health: understanding (un) healthy practices, Critical Public Health; 26: 36-50. DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2014.980396

KELLY, M.P. & BARKER, M. (2016) Why is changing health related behaviour so difficult? Public Health, 136: 109-116

SZRETER S., KINMONTH A. L., KRIZNIK, N. M. and KELLY, M. P. (2016) "Health and welfare as a burden on the state? The dangers of forgetting history" in The Lancet. Vol. 388, No. 10061. Pp. 2734-2735.

HOLLANDS, G.J., BIGNARDI, G., JOHNSTON, M., KELLY, M.P., OGILVIE, D. PETTICREW, M., PRESTWICH, A., SHEMILT, I., SUTTON, S., MARTEAU, T.M. (2016) Ongoing development of a typology of physical micro-environment, or choice architecture, interventions, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23 (S1). P015. S7-S7. ISSN 1070-5503

HOLLANDS, G., BIGNARDI, G., JOHNSTON, M., KELLY, M.P., OGILVIE, D., PETTICREW, M., PRESTWICH, A., SHEMILT, I., SUTTON, S., MARTEAU, T. (2017) The TIPPME intervention typology for changing environments to change behaviour, Nature Human Behaviour.

KELLY, M.P. & KELLY, R.S. (2018) Quantifying social influences throughout the life course: action, structure and ‘omics’, in, (eds), Meloni M., Cromby, J., Fitzgerald, P., Lloyd, S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society, London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp 587-609.

KELLY, M.P. & RUSSO, F. (2018) Causal narratives in public health: the difference between mechanisms of aetiology and mechanisms of prevention in non-communicable diseases. Sociology of Health and Illness. 40 (1): 82–99.

KRIZNIK, N.M., KINMONTH, A.L., LING, T., KELLY, M.P. (2018) Moving beyond individual choice in policies to reduce health inequalities: the integration of dynamic with individual explanations, Journal of Public Health.  40 (4): 764–775,

KELLY, M.P., KRIZNIK, N.M.., KINMONTH, AL., FLETCHER, P.C. (2019) The brain, self and society: a social-neuroscience model of predictive processing.  Social Neuroscience; 14(3): 266-276

BARKER, M., DOMBRIWSKI, S. U., COLBOURN T., FALL, C. H. D., KRIZNIK, N. M., LAWRENCE, W. T., Norris, S. A., Ngaiza, G., Patel, D., Skordis-Worral, J, Sniehotta, F. F., Steegers-Theunissen, R., Vogel, C., Woods-Townsend, K. and Stephenson, J. (2018) “Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception” in The Lancet. Published 16th April 2018:  

KELLY, M.P., (2018) How to make the first thousand days count, Health Promotion Journal of Australia 29(S1):17–21. Published online 14th March 2018:

KELLY, M.P., KRIZNIK, N.M.., KINMONTH, AL., FLETCHER, P.C. (2019) The brain, self and society: a social-neuroscience model of predictive processing.  Social Neuroscience; 14(3): 266-276

KELLY, M.P.  & GREEN, J. (2019) What can sociology offer urban public health? Critical Public Health, 29:5, 517-521

KELLY, M.P., BRAYNE, C., KINMONTH, A-L., KRIZNIK, N., FORD, J., FLETCHER, P.C. (2021) Inequalities in mental health: predictive processing and social life, Current Opinion in Psychiatry; Current Opinion in Psychiatry; 34(2)171-6.

BLUE, S., SHOVE, E., KELLY, M.P., (2021) Obese Societies: Reconceptualising the Challenge for Public Health, Sociology of Health and Illness; 43:1051-1067.

KELLY, M.P. (2021) The relation between the social and the biological and COVID-19, Public Health; 196: 18-23.

BIRCH, J., JONES, R.A., MUELLER, J., McDONALD, M.D., RICHARDS, R., KELLY, M.P., GRIFFIN, S.J., AHERN, A.L. (2022)   A systematic review of inequalities in the uptake of, adherence to, and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions in adults.  Obesity Reviews, (2022)

BIRCH, J.M., MUELLER, J., SHARP, S.J., GRIFFIN, S.J., KELLY, M.P., HALFORD, J.C.G., AHERN, A.L. (2023) Association between indicators of inequality and weight change following a behavioural weight loss intervention, Obesity Facts, 16:194-203.

BIRCH, J. M., MUELLER, J., SHARP, S., LOGUE, J., KELLY, M.P., GRIFFIN, S.J., AHERN, A. et al. (2023) Are there inequalities in the attendance and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions for adults in the UK? Protocol for an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis, BMJ Open. 2023

KELLY, M.P. and CARR, A. (2023) The ten steps for acting on health inequalities, Public Health in Practice

KELLY, M.P., ARORA, A., BANERJEE, A., BIRCH, J.M., EKEKE, N., KUHN, I., BRAYNE, C., FORD, J., AQUINO, M.R.J., CAPPER, B. (2023) Review of the contribution of behavioural science to addressing the social and wider determinants of health: 
Evidence Review, Geneva: World Health Organisation.…

9789240072473 (‎electronic version)‎

SHOVE, E., BLUE, S., KELLY, M.P. (2024) Categorising and Cohabiting: Practices as the Site of Biosocial Becoming, Social Theory and Health, 
DOI 10.1057/s41285-024-00204-7
1477-8211 / 1477-822X

NOSRATI, E., STRETZER, S. KELLY, M.P. (2024) Infant mortality and social causality: lessons from the history of Britain’s public health movement, c. 1834–1914. British Journal of Socology,

Related outputs

Szreter, S. Reflections on I, Daniel Blake

KELLY, M.P. (2015) On epistemological and ontological incommensurability in modelling behaviour change. In Christmas, S., Michie, S., West, R.  (eds) Thinking about behaviour change: an interdisciplinary dialogue, London: Silverback.

KELLY, M.P. (2016) The politics of behaviour change, in Spotswood, F (ed) Beyond Behaviour Change: Key Issues, Interdisciplinary Approaches and Future Directions, Bristol: Policy Press.  pp 11-26

KELLY, M.P. (2016) Digital technologies and disease prevention, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51:  861-863.

MCNAMEE, P., MURRAY, E., KELLY, M.P., BOJKE, L., CHILCOTT, J., FISCHER, A., WEST, R., YARDLEY, L. (2016) Designing and undertaking a Health Economics study of digital health interventions, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51: 852–860.

GUELL, C., OGILVIE, D., KELLY, M. (2016) Physical activity as social practice: the lessons from tobacco, Public Health Today, Summer (2016), p7

HOLMES, B., BEST, A., DAVIES, H., HUNTER, D., KELLY, M.P., MARSHALL, M., RYCROFT-MALONE, J. (2017) Mobilizing knowledge in complex health systems: A call to action.  Evidence and Policy, 13 (3) 539-560.

KELLY, M.P., ATKINS, L., LITTLEFORD, C., LENG, G., MICHIE, S., (2017) Evidence-based medicine meets democracy: The role of evidence-based public health guidelines in local government, Journal of Public Health. 39 (4): 678–684

ATKINS, L., KELLY, M.P., LITTLEFORD, C., LENG, G., MICHIE, S. (2017) Reversing the pipeline? Implementing public health evidence-based guidance in English local government, Implementation Science. 12:63

SNIEHOTTA, F.F., ARAUJO-SOARES, V., BROWN, J., KELLY, M.P., MICHIE, S., WEST, R. (2017) Complex systems and individual-level approaches to population health:  a false dichotomy? Lancet Public Health

GENTRY, S., MILDEN, L., KELLY, M. (2017) How can researchers generate meaningful public health policy impact? A meta-ethnography of case studies, the Lancet, 390, S39

ARONSON, J.K., LA CAZE, A., KELLY, M.P., PARKKINEN, V-P., WILLIAMSON, J. (2018) The use of mechanistic evidence in drug approval. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2018; 24: 1166-76

KELLY, M.P. (2018) The need for a rationalist turn in Evidence-Based Medicine.  Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 24: 1158-1165.   (DOI) - 10.1111/jep.12974

KELLY, M. (2018) Realist research, guidelines and the politics of evidence, in Nick Emmel, Joanne Greenhalgh, Ana Manzano, Mark Monaghan, and Sonia Dalkin (eds) Doing Realist Research, London: Sage. pp 183-201.

KELLY, M.P. (2019) Cognitive biases in public health and how economics and sociology can help overcome them. Public Health. 169: 163-72.…

GENTRY, S.V., MILDEN, L., KELLY, M.P. (2019) How can we achieve impact from public health research? A meta-ethnography of case studies, Journal of Public Health, pp. 1–8…

HOWICK, J., KELLY, P., KELLY, M.P. (2019) Establishing a Causal Link between Social Relationships and Health using the Bradford Hill Guidelines, Social Science and Medicine: Population Health.

GENTRY, S.V., MILDEN, L., KELLY, M.P. (2020) Why is translating research into policy so hard? How theory can help public health researchers achieve impact? Public Health; 178 (2020) 90-96. 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.09.009

ARONSON, J.K., AUKER-HOWLETT, D., GHIARA, V., KELLY, M.P., WILLIAMSON, J. (2021) The use of mechanistic reasoning in assessing coronavirus interventions   Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 27(3) 684-693.

KELLY, M.P. (2020) Is it justifiable to make self-determination illusory to motivate a specific health outcome? AMA Journal of Ethics; 22(9): 124-8.  E767-772. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2020.767.…

KELLY, R., KELLY, M.P., KELLY, P. (2020) Metabolomics, Physical Activity, Exercise and health; a Review of the Current Evidence, BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease; 1866 (12) 165936 December 2020

BIRCH, J.M., GRIFFIN, S.J., KELLY, M.P., AHERN, A.L. (2020) Inequalities in the uptake of, adherence to and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions: systematic review protocol, BMJ Open 2020

KELLY, M.P., RUSSO, F. (2021) The epistemic values at the basis of epidemiology and public health, Mefisto, 5(1): 105-120.

FORD, J., EKEKE, N., LAHIRI, A., KELLY, M.P.  (2021) Making the case for prevention, A commissioned report by Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge, for the Health Foundation.…

KELLY, M.P., LITTLEJOHNS, P., MARKHAM, S. (2022) Evidence – was it really used in the Covid-19 pandemic? A key issue for the Covid-19 inquiry to address,…

RITCHIE, I., FORD, J., KELLY, M., CAPPER, B. (2022)   Rethinking health for all: a new vision for sustainable and achievable progress, Cambridge: Cambridge Public Health.…

CAPPER, B., FORD, J., KELLY, M. Has the pandemic resulted in a renewed and improved focus on heath inequalities in England? A discourse analysis of the framing of health inequalities in national policy.  Public Health in Practice, 5 June 2023 100382

RUSSO, F. KELLY, M.P. The 'lifeworld’ of health and disease and the design of public health interventions.  Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.

CAPPER, B., FORD, J., KELLY, M.P. (2023) The case for a bolder vision and approach to addressing health inequalities in national policy, Policy Brief, Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University London.

SQUIRES, H., KELLY, M.P., GILBERT, N., SNIEHOTTA, F., PURSHOUSE, R. (2023) The long-term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Public Health interventions; how can we model behaviour? A review. Health Economics

CARR, A., MASSOU, E., KELLY, M.P., FORD, J.A. (2024)  Mediating pathways that link adverse childhood experiences with cardiovascular disease, Public Health,  227: 78-85. submitted 300323 accepted 141123
0033-3506 / 1476-5616

KELLY, M.P. (2024) Screening and health promotion, Medicine,  Volume 52, Issue 2, February 2024, Pages 112-114

SQUIRES, H., KELLY, M.P. et al The PHEM-IB toolbox of methods for incorporating the influences on behaviour within public health economic models, BMC Public Health, submitted 201023, revise 170524 revise again 200824 accepted 300924

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