St John's College U.20 (James 596)
John Brownbill, History of Black Notley, Essex. English, c. 1923
John Brownbill, of St John's College, Cambridge (1856-1931): 'An Account of Black Notley, compiled for the late Rev. William Warren, M.A., formerly Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. rector of Black Notley 1907-1918'. Warren died in 1923. Black Notley is a parish in Essex, lying just south of Braintree. Copies of letters to the author from W. J. Hardy and J. H. Round concerning among other matters the possible publication of Brownbill's research, all dated 1918, are at fos 157-66.
335x210 mm. 166 fos, with some further notes on the same subject held with the MS. College bookplate inside front cover. Presented to the College in 1928, this seems to have been the author's own typescript copy. At least two further copies once existed. One was presented to the rectors of Black Notley, while the original MS was given to the Essex Archaeological Society (see author's letter to the Master, 30 Aug. 1928, pasted inside front cover).
Carbon copy of typescript. Paper. Paper covers, loosely inserted in a specially made cardboard folder.