St John's College S.74 (James 466)
John Palmer, Journals of travel in the Levant. English, 1805-7
John Palmer, Fellow of St John's College and Sir Thomas Adams Professor of Arabic at Cambridge (1769-1840): detailed account of his travels in Greece, Asia Minor and the Holy Land, 1805-7 (6 vols). Occasional sketch-maps, such as that of Athens at the end of vol. 3. See J. B. Pearson, Abstract of the diary of John Palmer, travels in the Levant 1805-7 (Cambridge, 1899).
155x100 mm. 6 vols. Inside every front cover a College donation plate in the name of John William Pieters (1824-1901), Fellow and Senior Bursar of St John's, who presented these vols to the College in 1877. On first folio of vol. 1 is pasted a single sheet of notable matters in the six diaries, and a note of the three occasions on which Palmer was 'in great danger' during his travels.
Autograph journal. Paper. Soft covers in slip-case (nineteenth century).