St John's College O.64 (James 534)
Commonplace book, with additions by William James. Latin, Greek, French and English, c. 1650-94
Commonplace of a royalist with an Oxford connection. Includes: terrae filius speeches (?), one attributed to 'Mr Stuart' (p. 22); a 'Schema Regum Anglorum' (p. 40), one-line summaries of each monarch, beginning with William the Conqueror and ending with Charles II ('Ingratus populus non tali est principe dignus'); verses 'upon the Earle of Stratfords (sic) death' (p. 44); verses 'Upon the Prince of Condé his imprisonment in the boy de Vincene a Paris' (p. 55), and 'Credo in Regem omnipotentem', both dated 29 Jan. 1650 (p. 56); 'Thirty dayes hath Septembre' (p. 58); 'Symbola / In obitum Magistri [Henry] Thomas Coll: Univer: Socii [d. 1673]' (p. 59); list of medicines, Dec. 1657, 'by William Johnson for Mr Webbe' (p. 75); directions for a cipher: 'If you would wright to a friend in an unknowen character, take this way', ends: 'your humble servant James' (p. 79); 'A Popish Creed' (p. 136); accounts dating Aug. 1657 - Apr. 1658, mentioning Cousin George Throckmorton and Cousin Chaffey (p. 130). With additions at the end of the volume by William James, 'aetatis suae 18', and Thomas James (signatures at p. 137): the draft of a letter, beg. 'I pray stir nimbly in the business you imparted to me last ...' (p. 128); the Lord's Prayer, in a child's hand, signed William James and dated 7 Jan. 1694 (1695) (p. 126).
143x97 mm. 138 pp. (1-71 in the author's hand; 80-125 blank). 'James' twice on p. 1. Presented by Sir John Sandys, Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, 1918 (inside back cover), perhaps from the library of John Bass Mullinger, see Minute Book of the College Library Committee. College bookplate inside back cover.
At least three separate hands. Paper. Limp vellum binding, incorporating a leaf from a sixteenth-century Bible.