St John's College I.18 (James 315)
Miscellany. English and Latin, c. 1592-1640
Several MSS on various subjects, bound together, possibly by Thomas Baker:
- 'A Revision of the greivances of some Scandalus appeals / Declaring how they derogate from the dignity and impeach the power of the Bishops'. 1636. 12 pp. (original pagination). Itemised '7' on original cover. Wagstaff 3497. According to Cowie this was perhaps written 'in answer to Bastwick, Burton, and Prynn's libels, written about this time. See Collier, Vol. 2, p. 771.'
- Brief Certificates of the numbers of graduate clergy in each English and Welsh diocese, 1592. Bath and Wells, Chester, St David's and Sodor and Man are missing. 24 fos (unfol.) Itemised '3'. Wagstaff 3487.
- I[ohn] H[art], 'The Umpire, unveiling Episcopacie. Briefly surveying the Historie and Misterie of the late Deformation and Re-Reformation of the Church of Scotland ... By One of Zions Servants', no date, but after 30 Sep. 1641 when the dedicatee, Sir John Campbell, Earl of Loudoun (d. 1662), was appointed Lord Chancellor of Scotland. Presumably this is by John Hart DD, the prolific religious author, though no work by this title is listed in STC. Several alterations and deletions, perhaps autograph? iv+118+iv pp. (original pagination). Wagstaff 3493.
- Extract from a Life of 'Gaspar Colinius, Admirall of Fraunce', chapters 15-27, incomplete. 24 fos. Jean de Serres' Life of Gaspard Coligny first appeared in 1575, the earliest English translation was published in the following year (STC 22248). Wagstaff 3503.
- 'The corruption of the roman church in practise'. Dated at fo. 21 'Paris the 9th of Aprill 1599'. Itemised '17' on original cover. Wagstaff 3504.
- 'A Copy of a Letter Written by a dutifull son of the Church, Wherein is demonstrated the lawfullnes and necessity of Common prayer against all Sectaries and Schismaticks whatsoever, and Wherein are answered your frivolous obiections'. A draft, heavily corrected. 8 fos. Itemised '12'. Wagstaff 3505.
- 'A Mirror for Separatists. And all other schismatiques which in these dangerous dayes doe breake the godlie unitie, and disturbe the Christian peace of the Church / Being an earnest sollicitation to all true Protestants to desire Reformation in a peceable way ... ['Written by a late learned and iudicious Divine and now' - cancelled] published by W. C. Gent.' 42 fos. A draft, substantially corrected and altered. Wagstaff 3500.
Manuscript extra information
216x160 mm. Foliated as above. Inside front cover, in Thomas Baker's hand, 'Tho: Baker dedit Coll: Jo: Socius ejectus' and 'Liber olim ornatissimi viri Tho: Wagstaff'. Small College bookplate (eighteenth century) between the two inscriptions.
Each work in at least one separate hand. Paper, red-ruled margins to 1., some fos in poor condition, damaged by worm and particularly by damp. Bound collectively in blind-tooled leather on boards, and rebacked by John P. Gray & Son, May. 1972 (note inside back cover).