MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 8.75 x 6, ff. 79, 28 lines to a page.  14th cent. (? 1345), clearly written.


Collation :  18 – 48 (5 canc.) 58 – 108.


Documents relating to the office of Almoner of the Cathedral Church of St Paul,


f. 1 is mutilated at top.

Redditus Ad Elemosinariam… | London spectantes Anno domini mo cc……

2b.  Sequitur de Resolucionibus et honeribus Elemosinarii preter victum vestitum

    et domorum reparacionem.

3b.  Hec sunt statuta Elemosinar’.

4.  Note of a constitution of the year 1343.

5b.  Hic inc. copie cartarum et aliorum munimentorum ad Elemosinar’ S. Pauli

    London. partinencium. per Elemosinarium dicte ecclesie compilate A. d. mill.

    cccmo xlo quinto.

On 32b is the roll of William de Tolleshunt 1328.

32b.  Mem. de denariis quos Camerarius eccl. S. Pauli London. soluet annu-

    atim Elemosinario…

50b.  Hic inc. pitancie choristarum S. Pauli London.

56 sqq.  deal with the case of the Church of Hoton in Essex.

67b sqq.  Royal confirmations.

71 sqq. of the aula minorum canonicorum.  73.  de almuciis minorum canonicorum.

The last document is of a bequest of Walter de Blockeley 35 Edward I.

Manuscript extra information

S.H. Cavanaugh, 'A study of books privately owned in England 1300-1450' (Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1980), 872-73.
M.C. Erler, Records of Early English Drama: Ecclesiastical London (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008).
A.F. Leach, 'St Paul's School before Colet', Archaeologia 62 (1910), 220-22.
E. Rickert, 'Chaucer at school', Modern Philology 29:3 (Feb. 1932), 258.