MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum charter, 19.75 x 13.  11th cent.

Donor, T. Baker, who endorses it thus:

Exemplar hoc MS. mihi ab A. Bosvile Bibliopola Londin : donatum, dono Collegio S. Joh. Cant:

There is an original endorsement:

Concilium Willelmi Regis et lanfranci archiep. apud london. de primatu Cant. ecclesie et Regulis ecclesiarum.


and a somewhat later one: De primatu.


            Anno incarnationis dominice M LXXV

                                                            -fauorem commodet.

The names and marks of the members of the council follow, beginning with Lanfranc and ending with the Abbot of Cernel (Cerne).  All are described as bishops or abbots save the Archdeacon of Canterbury and ‘Osirich de hortuna’ (printed in Wilkins as ‘abbas de hortuna’).

The text agrees very closely with that in Spelman,  Concilia II 7, and Wilkins, Concilia I 362 (St John's College Library MS. S.6.12-15), which is taken from a register at Worcester (the only copy, other than this, which gives all the subscriptions) and from  a Canterbury Christchurch MS. A. VII. 6 in the Chapter Library.  William of Malmesbury  Gest. Pont. p. 66, gives a shortened text.

This copy is contemporary, I should think, with the Council.

There is a certain variety in the signatures of the subscribers which at first sight gives the impression that they may be autographs.

Collier, Eccl. Hist. II 19, refers in the margin to this copy.

Manuscript extra information

This MS is not in Lanfranc's hand.  It is probably in one of his pupils.

M. Gibson, Lanfranc of Bec (Oxford, 1978), pp. 216-17.

H. Clover and M. Gibson, The Letters of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (Oxford, 1979).

For an autograph of Lanfranc see E. A. Bond, and E. M. Thompson (ed.), The Palaeographical Society.  Facsimiles of ancient manuscripts (London, 1873-83), pl. 170.

By the same hand as British Library Cott. Aug. II. 36.  Facsimile in J. G. Edwards, V. H. Galbraith and E. F. Jacob (eds), Historical Essays in Honour of James Tait (Manchester, 1933), p. 48.  Also Trinity College 405, see note Hunc librum … (Cat. p. 541); and Canterbury Chapter Library S.264. 

H. Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts: a list of manuscripts and manuscript fragments written or owned in England up to 1100 (Tempe, 2001) no. 153.5.

D. Whitelock, M. Brett and C.N.L. Brooke (eds.), Councils & Synods with other documents relating to the English Church, I A.D. 871 - 1204, part II: 1066 - 1204 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 607-616.

M. Gullick, 'Lanfranc and the oldest manuscript of the Collectio Lanfranci'. B.C. Brasington and K.G. Cushing (eds.), Bishops, texts and the use of canon law around 1100: essays in honour of Martin Brett (Aldershot, 2008) pp. 79-89.