MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 7.75 x 5.5, ff. 507, double columns of 51 lines.  13th cent., finely written, and with good ornament.  Probably French.                                                 2 fo. aulam regiam.

Liber olim Thomae Gerard et Henrici Gerard, whose names are on the flyleaf.

Also: pr. 7 : 6.  JB.

At bottom of f. 1 an erased inscription which, revived, reads:

                                            Memoriale fratris Alexandri de Montibus.

This form of inscription is apt I think to indicate a Franciscan house as provenance.

Collation : 116 (1 canc.) 216 (one canc.) 316 412 – 1512 166 (6 canc.) 1712 - 3812 396 4010 4112 4212 434 (4 canc.) | 448 (wants 6-8).




Prologues:  a.  Frater Ambrosius.  b.  Desiderii mei.

Gen.-2 Chron.  Oratio Manasses regis iuda.

There are proll. to Joshua, Kings, Chron.

Ezra (Prol.), Neh., 1 Esdr. of Apocr.  (Et fecit.)

Tobit, Judith, Esther, Job (proll.).

Psalter, Gallican, no prol.

Prov., Eccl. (proll.), Cant., Sap., Ecclus.

Isa.-Dan. (proll.).

Hosea (Proll.  a.  Non idem ordo.  b.  Temporibus ozie) – Malachi (proll.).

1, 2 Macc. (proll. of Rabanus and Argument).

Evv. (proll.  a.  Matheus ex iudea.  b.  Matheus cum primo: others have single

    prologues: Ammonian sections in margin).

Paul.  Epp.  (Arguments), Acts (prol.), Cath. Epp. (prol.), Apoc. (Prol. of Gilbert,

    omnes qui pie).

Interpretationes nominum edite a b. Remigio: Aaz-Zuzim, 4b.

Table of Epistles and Gospels, 503.


The only figured initials are those to Genesis and Matthew, the first contains seven medallions on gold grounds: at top, Christ resting; below, the works of the six days ending with the Creation of Eve.  The other shows Jesse sleeping and a tree containing figures of two kings, the Virgin and Christ.  The other initials are decorative and of fine execution.

Manuscript extra information


  • f.224r - Naked man pierced by sword
  • f.385r - The winged lion of St Mark
  • f.392v - The winged ox of St Luke
  • f.405r - The eagle of St John