MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 15.5 x 10, ff. 224 + 1, double columns of 42 lines.  12th cent., in a fine hand.  Has suffered from damp.

Donor, T. Baker.  Liber olim ornatissimi viri Thomae Wagstaff.

The manuscripts belonging to Wagstaff are catalogued in the Oxford Catalogi Manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae1 1697, vol.  II, p. 85, nos. 3462 to 3509 (48 articles).  The greater part of these are now in St John's College Library, to which they were given by Mr Baker.

The present MS. does not occur in Cat. MSS. Angl.  In other cases the number assigned to each volume in that work will be given.

Collation :  1 flyleaf, 18 – xxviii8.

At the end (xv):

Hic liber attinet ecclesie S. Johannis Baptiste de Hardwyk qui olim Prioratui de Chycksand pertinebat.

Added (xvii) :

Et jam tenetur a Guilielmo Walchero S. T. B.  Ex dono honoratiss.  Domini D. Russelli Baronis de Thornhaugh, etc.


On flyleaf : Thomas Jolye.


Contents :

Augustinus super Johannem             .               .               .               .         f.    1

Intuentes quod modo audiuimus (xxxv 1379).

Ends p. 447 : compellerer meum terminare sermonem.

Aur. Aug. doctoris omeliarum liber in euang. d. n. I. C. sec.

    Johannem expl. quas ipse colloquendo prius ad populum habuit

    et inter loquendum a notariis exceptas eo quo habite sunt ordine

    uerbum ex uerbo postea dictauit.

The hand changes to a smaller one near the top of p. 410.  Near the beginning are many small grotesques and ornaments in black and green, well drawn, on lower margin.  Each tractate has a handsome initial in gold and colour : many of the cloth guards to these remain.


1.  G. 2. 10