MRJ number
College classmark

   Vellum, 7.0625 x 5.25, ff. 15, double columns of 35 lines.  14th cent., written in Italy.  Vellum wrapper.

   No donor’s name.

   Collation : 18 (wants 8) 28.


   Contents :

        1.     Inc. liber prouincialis ubi scripte omnes ciuitates mundi               .        f.     1

                In ciuitate romana sunt quinque ecclesie.

                Last section : De regimine petri principis apostolorum.

                Ends 14a : ubi sunt etiam multe reliquie incluse.

        2.     Note on the age of the world : secundum cronicon martini.        .               14b

                Receipts (English hand).

                Ignis inextinguibilis facilis est experta.

                On 15b.  Inc. liber ignium a marco greco prescriptus.

                Ends with an experiment on mercury.

Manuscript extra information


Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.


The 'Liber Provincialis' was edited by M. Tangl, Die Päpstlichen Kanzleiordnungen, 1200-1500 (Innsbruck, 1908) without using this manuscript.

P. A. Linehan, 'Utrum reges Portugalie coronabantur annon', A politica portuguesa e as suas relacoes exteriores, 2o Congresso historicao de Guimares (Guimares, 1997), 389-401, copy in St John's College Library.

B. G. E. Wiedermann, 'The joy of lists. The Provinciale Romanum, Tribute and Ad Limina Visitation to Rome', Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, Volume 116, issue 1-2, pp.61-97 (2021), copy in St John's College Library.