Vellum, 7.0625 x 5.25, ff. 15, double columns of 35 lines. 14th cent., written in Italy. Vellum wrapper.
No donor’s name.
Collation : 18 (wants 8) 28.
Contents :
1. Inc. liber prouincialis ubi scripte omnes ciuitates mundi . f. 1
In ciuitate romana sunt quinque ecclesie.
Last section : De regimine petri principis apostolorum.
Ends 14a : ubi sunt etiam multe reliquie incluse.
2. Note on the age of the world : secundum cronicon martini. . 14b
Receipts (English hand).
Ignis inextinguibilis facilis est experta.
On 15b. Inc. liber ignium a marco greco prescriptus.
Ends with an experiment on mercury.
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
The 'Liber Provincialis' was edited by M. Tangl, Die Päpstlichen Kanzleiordnungen, 1200-1500 (Innsbruck, 1908) without using this manuscript.
P. A. Linehan, 'Utrum reges Portugalie coronabantur annon', A politica portuguesa e as suas relacoes exteriores, 2o Congresso historicao de Guimares (Guimares, 1997), 389-401, copy in St John's College Library.
B. G. E. Wiedermann, 'The joy of lists. The Provinciale Romanum, Tribute and Ad Limina Visitation to Rome', Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, Volume 116, issue 1-2, pp.61-97 (2021), copy in St John's College Library.