Vellum, 8.375 x 5.75, ff. 153 + 1, several volumes. 14th, 13th and 12th cent.
Old binding, lozenge-shaped stamps of four-petalled flower, and heart surmounted by cross : upright stamp with arched top, of Virgin and child.
Donor, T. C. S. Priced 20s. 2 fo. linquam or preferatur.
Collation : 1 flyleaf, 112 (+ a page sewn to f. 6) || 28 38 || 48 || 58 – 78 84 || 98 – 128 (wants 8) || 1312 1412 1510 1612 1712.
Contents :
1. Cent xiv, 32 lines to a
Tract on preaching . . . . . f. 1
In isto libro quatuor capitula
continentur. In quorum primo
ponuntur quaedam genera famosa predicacionis.
Ends 12b, probably imperfect: very faint at the end.
2. Cent. xii, a beautiful small
hand, growing larger afterwards,
39 lines to a page.
Inc. epistola Ieronimi ad
Demetriadem uirginem . . 13
Si summo ingenio parique fretus
scientia (XXX 15)
-gloria eternitatis adquiritur.
3. Idem
ad Eustochium (another hand) . . . . 25b
Inter omnes materias quas ab
adolescentia (XXII 1107).
Ends imperfectly, 28b.
4. Cent. xii-xiii, double
columns of 42 lines.
Liber Ieronimi presb. de xlii
mansionibus filiorum Israel . 29
In 1xxmo viimo
psalmo quem iuxta ewangelistam (XXII 698)
-corruent in illis.
Expl. lib. Jeron. presb. de mans.
fil. Isra.
5. De
visione Isaie (XXII 361) . . . . 35b
Et factum est in anno quo
mortuus est, etc. Antequam de
uisione dicamus pretractandum uidetur quis sit ozias. Un-
Extracts, 36. 36b
6. Cent. xii, two or more
hands. 21 lines to a page.
Hieronymus ad Eustochium . . . . 37
Audi filia et uide (XXII 394)
-et flumina non cooperient ea.
Note in small hand, 1½ columns.
Si quis has xxx missas sicut in
textu habentur siue pro se siue
pro alio amico, etc. . . . . . 64b
Prima de aduentu domini.
xxx pro animabus.
Another note on a method for getting rid of passio caduca.
7. Cent. xii-xiii, text and
gloss, text 10 lines to page.
Cantica canticorum glosata . . . . 65
Gloss begins : Sinagoga congregatio.
At top verses (6). Sit tibi lex domini requies. caro
exilium. celum patria. uita deus, etc.
Gloss ends : et bonus odor Christi sunt.
8. Cent. xiv-xv, 39 lines to a
Dieta salutis (Guidonis de
Lanicea) . . . . 96
Hec est uia ambulate in ea
-potestas et imperium in sec. sec. Amen.
Table follows . . . . . . 150b
Item 2 is in fact by Pelagius. See B. Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta.