Vellum, 9.375 x 6.75, ff. 163 + 4, mainly double columns of 34 lines. 14th (and 15th) cent., well written in a rather round hand.
Old binding, skin over boards. Precium xxs on flyleaf.
Donor, T. C. S. 2 fo. quant ioi.
Collation : 2 flyleaves, 18 – 208 | 214 (wants 1), 2 flyleaves.
Described by M. Paul Meyer, Romania VIII, p. 334.
Contents :
1. Roman
de la Rose . . . . . f. 1
Aucunes gens dient quen songes
Na se fables non et menconges.
A miniature (rough) in the initial
of a man in bed, a rose tree
growing above : gold ground.
Ends f. 160a : A tant fu ior et ie mesueille.
Then in large letters : Ci faut
le romanz | De la rose. Ou
lart | damors est tou|te enclose. le mi|Roer aus amoreus | Car
moult i a de bien |
pour eus. |
Iehen du clos es|crist cest
liure | Qui nestoit pas | ne fols ne
yure |
On 160b : Richardus d. g. Rex anglie...Sciatis quod per finem
quem Wymund Bonuyle nobiscum fecit consesc(i)mus et
licenciam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum
in nobis est quod iuste et sine delacione intret in tene-
mentum suum de stanton.
2. In
double columns : later hand (XV).
La Bonté des Femmes . . . . . 161
(C)il fablers
trop me greuent
Rimer qe ne
Partly printed by M. Meyer :
another copy in Univ. Library
(Gg. 1. 1).
Ends 163a : Veingne amoy quant serray a layser
Et ieo ly dirray a plaiser.
Ci finist comendacion de dames.
3. Pastourelle . . . . . . 163
A mon deduit a moys de may
Pensant aloy iuxt une boscage.
Ends imperfectly 163b :
Ceo qe le cors vers vous mesprent
Al alme voilles relesser.
On flyleaves at end verses on
the Temperaments in another hand :
Sanguineus. Largus amans hylaris, etc.
Above these a faint inscription in French.
K. V. Sinclair, French Devotional texts of the Middle Ages (Westport, Conn., 1979).
Fol. 86a has a miniature of a forearm in a blue sleeve and an extended left hand, on a gold ground.
For part 3 see Helen Estabrook Sandison, '"En mon Deduit A Moys de May". The Original of Hoccleve's "Balade to the Virgin and Christ"', Vassar Medieval Studies (1923).
E. Langlois, Les manuscrits du Roman de la Rose: description et classement (Lille & Paris, 1910) p. 151.