MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 9.5 x 6.875, ff. 38 + 2, 40 lines to a page.  Early 15th cent., well written.  Vellum wrapper.

Donor, T. C. S.    Priced 8s.

On the cover : Liber dompni Johannis long.. (very faint). and at top some scribbles, seemingly in English.

Collation : a2, 18 – 38 410 54.

On flyleaves : Mr Harys (?) (xvi).

Verses on ten Commandments, sins, senses, works of mercy, virtues, sacraments.

Notes on Indulgences.


Contents :

The Booke of a contemplative life (late title).

Capitula (103)        .               .               .               .               .               .         f.    1

Gostely (sister ? erased) in ihesu cryst I praye the {th}at in {th}e callyng

    qwich oure lord hath cald the to hise seruyse

Ends f. 40b : qwich hath stat of lyf contemplatyf.

{TH}e grace of oure lord Jhesus cryst be with {th}e.  Amen.

fforma sit hec uite quam scripsi nunc sine lite.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.

H. E. Allen, Modern Philology 13 (1916), 168.

E. Underhill (ed.), The Scale of Perfection (London, 1923).