Vellum, 6.375 x 4.75, ff. 156, three volumes : 23, 30, 20 lines to a page. 13th – 14th and 15th cent. Vellum wrapper.
Donor, T. C. S. 2 fo. latro uitandus.
Collation : 112 214 312 412 | 512 – 812 (wants 12) | 98 (wants 1, 2 : 7, 8 follow quire 10) 108 (wants 8) 118 – 158 166.
Contents :
I. 1. Epistolae quedam b. Jeronimi.
Ad Eustochium. Audi filia . . . . f. 1
Ad Damasum. Quoniam uentus oriens . . . 24b
Late list of contents on 26b.
Ad Oceanum de actis clericorum . . . . 27
Ad Julianum diac. Aquileie . . . . 31
Ad Paulinum presb. de institutione clericorum . . 32
Ad Heliodorum ep. exortatoria . . . . 39
Ad S. Augustinum (de orosio) . . . . 47
48b – 50b blank.
II. 2. Galfridi Monumetensis Historia Britonum . . . 51
An abridgment, beginning :
Cum apostolus uniuersum mundum instruens.
Ending f. 77, in another hand : transferre curaui.
In the second hand, which has been extensively blackened by
a reagent, a continuation follows.
Sequitur de quibusdam regibus qui postea in anglia reg(na)-
uerunt . . . . . . . 77
Ends in 1317 : siege of Cnasburgh.
dominus Joh. de lalburne miles qui defendebat [cas] castrum
contra obsides.
96 – 97b blank.
III. 3. Cent. xv. Part of a Manual(?).
Begins in the end of a Litany . . . . 98
Visitation of the sick, beginning misplaced, see 110b . . 102
Litany has Hugo, Paule, Antoni, Hillarion, Columbane,
Machari, Columba, Blandina.
Absolution, 109b.
Office of the Dead, beginning misplaced. Burial of the Dead . 111
Offices for Purification, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy
Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve . . . 129
Music on four-line stave.