Paper, 8.125 x 5.5, ff. 111, 19 lines to a page. Late 15th cent., clearly written.
Donor, T. C. S.
The names of John Barker, George Townsend, Conandus Hacket, occur on the margins.
Collation : 112 216 – 716 8? (three).
History of Genesis in English.
The all myghty fadre euerlastynge in his power
-I will bygyne my processe growndid upon genisis and uppon
scolastica historia. expl. prefatio.
Goddis sonne was in the bygynnyng . . . f. 2
Ends imperfectly at the death of Jacob.
ascendinge unto the lond of Canaan with his fadre the gret states.
Saralyn R. Daly, The Historye of the Patriarks (Ph.D Thesis, Ohio State University, 1950).
Mayumi Taguchi (ed.) The Historye of the Patriarks : edited from Cambridge, St John's College MS G.31, with parallel texts of the The historia scholastica and the Bible historiale. (Heidelberg, 2010).