Vellum, 8.5 x 6, ff. 94, double columns of 26 lines. 13th cent., well written.
Donor, T.C.S. Priced 20s.
From St Augustine’s, Canterbury. At the bottom of f. 1 :
Philosophia W. de Conchis de edicione secunda cum A de librario S. Aug. Cant. Dist. 12. g. 40.
Ancient Libraries, p.369, no. 1485, and p. 521.
At the top of f. 1 is:
Joannes Dee 1557 4 Maii ...Londini.
It is no. 160 in the Catalogue of his MSS. printed by Halliwell with the diary (Camden Soc.).
Collation: 18 28 36 48 54 68 - 108 (+ slip) 118 128 134.
Philosophia secunda Willelmi de Conchis.
Queris dux uenerande normannorum et comes andegauensis cur magistris nostri
temporis minus creditur quam antiquis.
The text abounds with very neatly drawn diagrams.
Ends 94b:
Extincto uero naturali calore desinit homo uiuere.
This MS. is noted on pp. xl-xli of Guillelmi de Conchis dragmaticon philosophiae cura et studio I. Ronca (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CLII).
Maps can also be found in the following William of Conches MSS:
Oxford, University College, MS. 6, 14th cent.
British Library, Egerton MS. 830, 15th cent.
Padua, R. Bibl. Universitaria, Cod. No. 2171, 14th cent.
Oxford, Bodleian, Auct F. S. 25, 13th cent.
Venice, Bibl. Naz. Marciana, Cl. IX, No. 31
Stuttgart, KÖnigd. Bibl. Cod. Med. et Phys. 15, 13th cent.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 14.065, 12th cent.
Julian Roberts & Andrew G. Watson (eds.), John Dee's library catalogue (London, 1990) p.127 M160.
- f.28r - Astrological diagram
- f.61r - Diagram of the earth
- Throughout - A selection of astronomical diagrams