Vellum, 7.75 x 5.125, ff. 127 + 1, 29 and 28 lines to a page. 15th cent., in several hands.
Donor, Thomas Griffith.
Handsome binding of 16th cent.
On flyleaf :
Mem. that {th}e bason and
the cowre the wech was had of Jan douer weyith v skore owns and xiiij.
The soom of ys bason and his
cowre comyth to after iiis the owns xviili and iis.
Collation : 1 flyleaf, 18 – 168 (wants 8).
1. Here bigynne{th} a tretis
{th}at is clepid lucidarie how a disciple
axi{th} questiouns of his maistir and {th}e maistir assoili{th}
Now {th}e disciple sei{th}
{th}us . . . . f. 1
Gloriouse maistir y praie
{th}ee to answere me to my questiouns
{th}at y desyre to aske, etc.
Ends unfinished, f. 16a :
{th}ere so manye loue tokenes ben
schewid for hym.
Some notes of cent. xvi in
English follow : 16b blank.
2. Prolog on Apocalips . . . . . . 17
Seynt poul {th}e apostle
sei{th} {th}d alle {th}o {th}at wolen mekeli lyue.
Apocalypse with comment :
text underlined in red . . . 18
Jhon {y}oure bro{th}ir and
parcener in tribulaciouns….
Comment begins : {th}is
undoing bi seint John ben bitokend {th}e
goode prelatis
-and dwelle wi{th} him
wi{th}outen ende. So be it.
Here endi{th} {th}e
appocalips glosid in e(n)glish.
67b blank.
3. Here
bigynne{th} {th}e passioun of oure lord Ihesu crist as it is in
oon book maad of {th}e foure gospels compilid of Clement a
preest of {th}e chirche of Lantony . . . . 68
And it was don whanne Jhesu
hadde endid alle {th}es wordis
-seelinge {th}e stoon
wi{th} {th}e keperis. Here endi{th}
{th}e passioun
of oure lord J. C.
4. And bigynne{th} how
{th}e sacrament of {th}e auter cristis be resceuyd
wor{th}ili and deuotly . . . . . . 85
Seuene sacramentis of hooli
chirche ben seuen remedies
-and at {th}e laste
blis<ful> goyng out of {th}is liif be {y}ouun to
me. Amen.
ff. 93b- 96b
5. Expositio
textus mathei xxiiio capitulo octriplici (!) scribis
phariseis et ipocritis in peccato . . . . . 97
Headed I, II, etc. Ve.
Crist biddi{th} us bewar
wi{th} {th}es false profetis, etc. and {th}ese ben
speciali men of {th}es newe ordris and moost {th}es freris {th}at
camen inne
-and putte us not in
straunge perels {th}at we haue no nede
to treete.
Exposicio textus mathei
xxiiii cap. . . . . . 105
Egressus Ihesus de templo 24o
c. {th}is gospel telli{th} moche
wysdom {th}at is hid to many men
-but {th}e fend may
dampne men but not rauyshe {th}er hope
in crist.
On 127b a note of
cent. xvi and some lines (7) of cent. xv:
god that all hath made & wrought
man on molde hym to obey
and vnto worship of out of nough(t)
set every man in the hye wey
ryght as {th}e chirche and law do{th}e wey
for and we do as {th}e chirche do{th}e telle
ys ynow to us for {th}e
peyne of hell.
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
E. Fridner (ed.), An English fourteenth century Apocalypse version with a prose commentary (Lund, 1961).
A. Hudson, 'Contributions to a Bibliography of Wycliffite Writings', Notes and Queries 218 (1973), 443-53.
Part I (1) is a Middle English translation of the Elucidarium of Honorius of Autun (c. 1100). The version in this MS was printed by F. Schmitt, Die Mittelenglische Version des Elucidarium (Burghausen, 1909).
Part II (3) is Oon of Foure, an English translation of Clement of Llanthony's gospel harmony Unum ex Quatuer (late 12th cent.). For details of other MSS and printed editions see L. Muir, 'Bible Translations and Paraphrases', in J. B. Severs (ed.), A Manual of the Writings in Middle English (Connecticut, 1970) pp. 394-5, 545.
A description of this MS was prepared by C. Thorold, Trinity College, for an MPhil in Medieval Literature, 1998.