MRJ number
College classmark

   Vellum, 9.75 x 7, ff 157, double columns of 38-45, etc, lines, two columns. 13th – 14th cent., in a good clear hand.

Donor, T. C. S.                                                                                             2 fo. kil aueit

    At end (XV) Iste liber constat Johanni Strelley de Lyndeby.

    Collation: 112 212 314 412 - 612 710 (wants 10) | 810 98 - 148 1512 164.

    A very full account of the contents of this MS. and of other copies of the works contained in it is given by M. Paul Meyer in the tract already cited (under B.9) Romania, VIII 325.



        I.      La Lumiere as Lais by Peter de Peckham          .               .               .         f.    1

                (V)errai deu omnipotent

                Ke estis fin e comencement.


                E a mei ausi la face.

                Ici comence la lumere a lais              .               .               .               .               5

                (O)re comence la romance

                Ke nest pas a fous nen a fance.

                Ends f. 83b:

                Nous aide deus ke mainte en trinite.

                Expl. liber.

        II.    Ci comence le manuel de pechez (by William de Waddington).          f.      84

                La uertu del seint esperit

                Nos seit aidant en cest escrit.

                Ends 157a:  En deu finisse cest escrist

                                      En pere en fiz en saint espirist.

                Then in larger letters:  En pere en fiz en seint espirist. deu lui

                   amene qui cest escrist.  Amen.

Manuscript extra information

G. Laird Charlton, 'Character and Growth of the Manuel des Pechiez', Traditio 4 (1946), 253-306.

E. J. Arnould, Le Manuel des Péchés: étude de litterature religieuse anglo-normande (XIIIeme siècle) (Paris, 1940).

A. M. Bouly de Lesdian, 'III Section Romane. Les Manuscrits Didactiques Anterieurs au XIVeme siècle Essai D'inventaire', Institut de Recherche et D'Histoire des Textes Bulletin Number 13 (1964-5).