MRJ number
College classmark

    Paper, 7.625 x 5.5, ff. 72, 38 lines to page.  15th cent. late, fairly well written.  Bound like F. 22. 

    Vellum wrapper.

    In large flourished letters on back:  ihc

    Donor, T.C.S.  Priced 10s.

    Collation : 18 – 98.

    In cover :


   Sum domini Richardi Smythe et amicorum ex dono Johannis horris (or Norris) anno 1523

   Liber 24 in registro.  Numerus fo sequent.



        1.     Compilatio super genesim.  Heading in a later hand: ‘Authore Gulielmo Swarbye’

                In principio, etc.  Hic agit legislator moyses de creacione

                    -se resurrecturum cum Christo ibidem cui est honor et

                    gl. in sec. sec.  Amen.

                Expl. breuis compilacio super genesim sec. sentenciam doctoris

                   de lyra et magistri historiarum.  (Gul.) Hec. Swarby.

                Notes on the genealogies, and ages of the world: from

                   Josephus, etc.    .               .               .               .               .               .    f.         39

        2.     Super Exodum       .               .               .               .               .               .               41

                Inc historia Exodi de opere et seruitute filiorum israel.

                Ends 69b.  Ad prestandum beneficium lucis.

                Et finitur lib. Exodi.  (Author Guil. Swarby.)

                Below.  Smythe ricardus.

                On 70b the badly written beginning of an inventory of the

                   goods of ‘Sir welyem Merbryys,’ 18 Nov. 1505.

Manuscript extra information

Fol. 31r, foot: 'wynstanle' (cropped) in bright blue ink.  This is also used for decoration in the text, e.g. 'Capitulum 32', fol. 27v.

Fol. 71v 'John Sadelere' is in the same hand as the inventory.